» Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:15 am
So i bought this game the day it came out. Beat the campaign within a week, then decided to try the multiplayer and get the not connected to internet message. Every other game i play connects fine every time. I havent even tried again as I was waiting for a patch. Just yesterday the game auto downloads the 1.9 patch. Needless to say I'm excited to try out MP, but still its a no go! Really Crytek.... your on patch 1.9 and still no fix! I will never pay another cent to you unless this is fixed by fall, that will be like 6 months waiting to get full functionality from a high priced game.
Also as it seems your dev team only cares about consoles I will not buy Crysis 3 unless it will promise to fully test my $2000+ rig. I could play crysis 1 on full settings and start to notice Framerate drop. Now that's a benchmark game considering I built my rig only last year and Crysis 1 is years old at this point! Its sad that Crytek is now stuck with designing games for consoles that are using 7 year old technology. I understand you must go where the money is but even COD Black Ops MULTIPLAYER for PC works, and that game is a buggy mess!
Please fix this! Dont give up on the PC gamers who once were your bread and butter customers!