[Idea] Functioning ClosetsCupboards?

Post » Sun Oct 21, 2012 1:10 pm

Idea: Closets: Perhaps creating a pole or closet model that is scripted to allow you to put a certain amount of clothes on it. Each article of clothing you put on it, shows up on in the closet.

This idea perhaps with cupboards: when you put food or small misc items in the cupboards, the items will show up inside of them?
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carley moss
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Post » Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:27 pm

There Are many other ideas for similar stuff in this game; They may seem small, but it'll make immersion and interaction a bit more entertaining. For instance, curtains over most windows. [With different variations]

The idea would be you'd be able to open or close the curtains; If opened and when left open, the room lighting is brightened slightly, if closed, the room light is dimmed down [this effect only during the day].

Now I'd imagine this would be possible in scripting [such as the script looks for requirement variables, and based of the variables, a different action is took.]

( Now I don't know how to script though I have a tiny understanding of the basics, and mind you, this example is not written properly rather than simply displaying what I mean in contrast to variables and conditions).


If player activates curtain play animation, open
If curtain is open and player activates it, play animation close

If Curtain is open and if time of day is day
Increase set lighting
If Curtain is closed and if time of day is day
decrease set lighting

Ideas like this could range from opening or closing doors, windows, curtains, adding items to closets, chests, or cupboards, filling or emptying cups, pitchers, jars, or vials. The list could go on, and I think stuff like this could easily enhance the immersion aspects of this game.
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