So far I have a fair bit of mods but I manage to get a steady 60 FPS with fraps with the current mods:
Mod List:
Project Nevada
Electro City
A world of pain with patches for performance
Nskies URWL
New vegas bounties I and II
Mission Mojave patches
High Roller Suite
populate casinos
Ojo Bueno HQ with some UHQ textures
Stutter remover
i5 2500k
Radeon 7870
4GB 1600mhz G.Skill ripjaws ram
7200rpm HDD (I want loading screens to be quick) (cant afford SSD

and im not sure if this affects performance but : Z77 pro 3 motherboard asrock (im new to computers...)
So would my computer take a big hit in FPS if I used the large one+ Ojo Bueno? What about medium and small? I want a steady 60fps and will not settle for anything less... (I am obsessed with getting at least 60+fps...)