Well this is a very open question, it all depends on what play style you want. Do you want to be a tank wielding heavy power armour and a minigun with more health than you could ever need or do you want to be a stealth character, who can spot enemies far before they can see you. I'll be happy to help but reply with an idea of what you want out of your character and I'll try to advise. Also this isn't for definite, by level 20 you'll be a beast in everything so you won't be stuck with your play style. Also regarding skills, for a new-ish player I'd say small guns, repair, lockpick.
I find play-throughs a lot easier/more enjoyable if you choose one combat skill, one primary skill and one non-combat skill. I'll give skills an indication on how easy/reliable they are.
Small guns (Extremely reliable. Plenty of ammo and guns around the wasteland for every occasion.)
Pro: Weapons and ammo are everywhere. Con: Nothing really.
Melee Weapons: (Very reliable. Throw in some good strength and endurance and you'll be a power house.)
Pro: No ammo required, plenty of melee weapons throughout the waste, even over-powered ones *ahem* shishkebab with pyromaniac *ahem* Con: Gotta get close to use them.
Unarmed: (Moderately reliable. With the right perks can be ridiculously deadly.)
Pro: No weapons needed. Con: You won't be doing much damage until you get spiked knuckles also have to be close.
Energy Weapons: (Moderately reliable. Heavy damage or fire rate. Not really an in-between in the vanilla game.)
Pro: Highly accurate and can deal with pretty much anything. Con: Hard to find early on, also they are expensive.
Big guns: (Poorly reliable. Weapons are best kept until later in the game.)
Pro: Ridiculous damage. Con: Practically impossible to find good conditioned big guns early on, a lot of ammo is required for items such as the minigun. Also they weigh a lot.
Explosives: (Poorly reliable. Unless experienced these should sort of be regarded as a primary skill instead.)
Pro: Can cause a lot of damage to single or multiple opponents. Cons: Can't use them up close. They also require some planning to be effective.
Primary skill:
Repair: Useful with everything, helps you make money. Pretty much the best one in my opinion.
Sneak: Is helpful if you can't be bothered or can't fight an opponent. Also if you use mines or sniping or heavily rely on sneak attacks it's essential.
Medicine: This one is obvious; higher medicine, better healing. Works best with unarmed or melee seeing as you have to get up close and personal you'll be taking a few hits.
Explosives: I know they were mentioned as a combat skill but pretty much every combat skill benefits from having this as a back up (for example, sneaking with mines or unarmed against multiple opponents).
Non-combat skill:
Lockpick: Loot is frequently behind locked doors or inside containers. Lockpick is very useful due to this.
Science: Can turn turrets friendly if there is a terminal nearby and can also open some doors. (Usually if there is a locked door, either a terminal can unlock it or you can pick the lock.)
Speech: Can help get better rewards for quests, avoid parts of quests or conflict and can influence peoples actions. Not that useful in my opinion seeing as nearly all speech checks can be exploited if so desired.
Barter: To put it simply, it's cheaper stuff. If you want the game challenging, put not points into barter and pay extortionate prices for everything. Want the game a little easier, load barter up with points and sell everything you find to be rolling in caps.
Hope that helped a bit, need any more advice just let me know. c: