Crysis2 Multiplayer

Post » Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:03 pm

I have been playing Crysis2 for nearly a year and have finally learned how to survive through the whole game. That took some real effort on my part.
I now am trying to learn the multiplayer part of C2 and am having problems. Certainly that is to be expected, but I am not able to overcome this one problem. Hopefully someone can help out with this problem.
While playing I am uncertain of how to proceed, especially when firing on targets. Some of the targets tell me that they are on my side! Watch out who you are shooting! My question is: how does one determine who is friend or foe? It must be evident to experienced C2 players.
I have downloaded C3 Alpha and am having the same problem. Please help with this problem.
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Devils Cheek
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