As some may already know, we have been trying to get a release over this year but sadly the small numbers of people in the team keeps pushing back the release date. We currently have over half a worldspace almost totally complete with around 98% interiors, 96% towns, 90% dungeons and a truly vast collection of new items that are completely unique to the mod, including creatures etc. Most of what remains of the physical modding I can handle myself but we are short or overworked in some crucial areas.
As yet, we are most in need of quest modders, scripters and modellers to finalise plans besides needing someone to help out a little with establishing the in-game map. All scripts and models requiring completion are listed on our own forums and I am in the process of finishing the writing of the quest ideas already developed.
If you can help or know of anyone who can assist, please send me a PM or get in touch via Facebook (preferred method) but please: no timewasters! We've had enough of them but even if your contribution is small, it WILL be credited and greatly appreciated.