Crysis 3 Digital Deluxe Bonus Content Complaint

Post » Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:17 am

I was in the process of ordering Crysis 2 when I saw I could pre-order Crysis 3 and get Crysis 2 as bonus content with the Digital Deluxe package. I placed my order thinking I would get Crysis 2 now, then Crysis 3 when it's released... WRONG!!!

Apparently EA wont give me Crysis 2 until Crysis 3 is released!!! WTF is THAT about???

This needs to be clarified in the ordering process! Had I of known that, I wouldn't have bought the package! Instead, now I'm severely disappointed and cant play Crysis 2 like I was planning.

Wouldn't it make more sense to provide Crysis 2 now, allow people to play thru it and get all caught up on the story, etc PRIOR to the release of Crysis 3???

What good is giving me Crysis 2 once Crysis 3 is released? At that point I'm going to want to play Crysis 3, so paying extra to get Crysis 2 is a complete waste of money!

Those considering pre-ordering Crysis 3 Digital Deluxe... be forewarned you wont get Crysis 2 until AFTER Crysis 3 is released!!!!

Where can I cancel my pre-order...
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Post » Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:17 pm

There was never anything about getting Crysis 2 as far as I know
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