I was playing Crysis 2 today, and upon hearing an opponent throw a laughing jibe at my death I realized that I really missed Crysis 1 commands. I loved being able to let my team know what to do or what to be wary of, and this element was obviously absent in Crysis 2. I now wonder if Crytek will re-implement radio commands, perhaps some that give simple orders (hold position, charge, split up, etc.) and the obvious yes/no. I know these would become extremely useful in Hunter Mode, as not everyone has the money for a microphone (myself included).
I think radio commands would be a great addition to Crysis 3, also a great throwback to Crysis 1 for us Crysis 1 Vet's. They aren't necessary, sure, but I know I'd certainly use them to their fullest extent and to my best advantage.