I know many people use and recommend various auto-save mods. But you might want to read http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1228478-relz-duke-patricks-safe-save, by Duke Patrick (a very skilled mod maker) first.
In short, he investigated why his save files were causing problems, and concluded it was because all the existing auto-save tools failed to account for all the things that make saves flaky. In the end, he wrote his own, and still eventually recommended using his 'nag' feature instead of timed saving.
I think I'm going to use Duke's mod, thanks.
I have a 200+ game I still play, and I still use my quicksave.
I think I'm going to use Duke's mod. Thanks.
I guess mileage varies between users, but most people don't use it. I think you can circumvent problems by occassionally deleting the quicksave and start with a new one. IE, save to a new slot, delete the old quicksave, load up the game and save slot, and then start using quicksave again.
Yeah. My last playthrough had around 100 hours, using quicksaves/quickloads regularly with no problems (excluding occasional crashes). And I had around 100 - 150 mods (can't really remember), some of which got deleted, or updated in the process. And I was also adding mods all the time.