Ok, I'm not really sure if this is a bug or if the devs just got really sadistic but here goes. Ive played for a long time, had a few bugs but most have smoothed out by now. The NCR seems to go from loving me to shooting me at random but wearing their armor seems to help with that at least. But Ive noticed something odd. "Creature" enemies- bugs, animals and the like- tend to spawn in groups of five or more every time I see them. At first it was funny, with six or seven baby geckos running around. Then it got annoying when I see ten bloatflies, six or seven scorpions (the worst being a family of two giant, four regular and two bark scorpions). And finally, I spot my first death claw, a young one, kill it and feel lucky.. then walk around a rock and see an Alpha, two regular and three young ones, together.
Did I mention I'm just level 8 and on easy difficulty? Yeah.
If this is a bug, would love for it to be fixed, if not, I guess I need to find some much harder hitting guns, fast.