It could be a flag that says this is a refugee rallying point for those Dunmer who fled Morrowind. Get here and get safe, worry about your Great House later.
The style of armor design doesn't really say anything about faction allegiance at this point, IMO, because there are other factors at play which could also alter or evolve the style of clothing/armor besides allegiance to X faction.
@The fact that it could be a "safe point" seems likely too, one made by redoran perhaps, if anything? Seeing as they're warriors, and honorable and all that, maybe they wanted to protect their fellow dunmer regardless of allegiance. I say redoran, because the architecture suggests so, and the picture title states it's redoran too.
@The armor design, although it doesn't say anything about allegiance, the picture provided above is called "RedoranGuard.jpg". Would make sense for them to act as guardsmen for some sort of safepoint I suppose, if CCNA's theory is correct.