Anyway, to the point, I was reading over on TR's lore forums 'bout Sload's big theory regarding the Dragon Break/Marukhati, and the topic drifted to the subject of how many Dragon Breaks there've been. So the question arose in my head, did the Tsaesci break the Dragon? When they ate it to become it, and mythically erased the Men of Akavir, a Dragon Break would explain the fact that traces remain (Skeletons at pale pass, mention in Mysterious Akavir, etc.) of their former existence. And it would also help explain the immortality gained from it, since such seems to be the general way of things with a Dragon Break. So would it be right to presume they broke it when they achieved Tsaesance?
(Edit: What I mean is, maybe they broke it instead of taking advantage of shifting time in the Dawn, as AP had suggested. I just recalled in that topic, that there wasn't explanation for why the Men were still remembered in some ways, and it seemed like it would be much the same situation as how Mortal Vehk who slew Nerevar is remembered even though Vehk the God's history doesn't include that. In case I wasn't clear.

Or maybe this was just assumed all along, and I'm behind. I've not lurked for a while and a fair amount of new things arose since I'd been on these forums
One other little thing... I can't for the life of me remember how Tsaesci is pronounced. Is it They-see? I seem to recall hearing it that way, once.