I know there is alot of hate heading your way from the premature release of this game. Many of your fan offer complaints with no solutions.
I would like to know if there is anyway that i could help with future products, to ensure you have both the man power and proper testing for future releases.
I am currently working towards my degree in computer programming (hoping to get into game design), and would also like to build experience in my field.
Though my programming skills are probably less than anything you currently have. I would be more than willing to Beta Test for you for to ensure that a game with this many defect is never released as is again.
It may sound weird to offer to go through the same problems as we are all currently complaining about at the moment.
but the main difference is first of all a paycheck for doing it, and secondly the pre-existing knowledge that i will be going through these problems
If this is the problem (you did not have enough testers) please provide any information that i can use to help you out in the future.