Anyways, I am very interested in the architecture of the Southern Dunmer (House Dres). For those that study the beta maps of Morrowind, and understand the geography of the land, far Southern Morrowind is situated on the edge of Black Marsh, with jungles and swamps and also the Eastern coast of Tamriel. House Dres is in the South East corner of the province. I'd like to know what other people think about House Dres architecture, and also what other types of uniquely Southern Morrowind characteristics would likely be exhibited in these people based on their local and their known lore (Such as the dichotomy of their religion: They are strong adherents to the temple, yet they are also the most traditionally Dunmer House, and so probably involve the Good Daedra (the Anticipations) in their daily Tribunal praise, and they also most likely practice stronger ancestor worship).
Anyway, to keep from having to retype what I've written elsewhere http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=20324&highlight=, if you'd like.
Have any good ideas?