Kyomas Journal Mod problems

Post » Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:43 pm

I'm emailing myself some of my mods so when I get to my buddys place in Arizona we can set up a decent version of Oblivion. Unfortunately all he was able to get hooked up was dialup, so I can't grab any major mods.

One of the mods I want to use is Kyomas Journal mod, but lately I'm having a problem with it and was wondering if anyone can help?

When I click WRITE and type in something, then click DONE, the entry vanishes...completely...even the .txt and .xml files the mod creates are lacking the stuff I typed in.

Im using the latest 'dev' version of Pluggy (because another mod requires it), the latest beta of OBSE (again a mod requires the beta).

I've tried moving the mod around in my load order, but it didnt help.

Anyone got any good ideas? I'll check this topic while I'm on the plane if its not too expensive, and again when I land.
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:21 pm

Beh, I really need to get back to Oblivion modding.... :meh: The 'new' (it will be new when I finally release it) version will work very differently behind the scenes so any existing bugs or problems will either be gone or replaced with different, more clearer bugs. If only I take the time to drag myself away from DA:O..... :bolt:

Anyways, were your comments on TESNexus from before or after this post?
For some reason when I write in a journal, by opening the book in inventory and clicking , nothing I write shows up afterward...the book just remains blank.

I've reinstalled the mod, and started removing other mods from my game, but I just cant seem to get this mod working used to work just fine...and I can't figure out whats different in this install than in my old one.

Kyo...I believe I've found at least part of the problem.

It is not so much an issue of the mods...themselves...but how those mods activate.

Your mod seems to be VERY sensitive to activation interference. When running it on a new game with no other mods that need to 'initialize', it runs flawlessly, but as soon as you start piling on mods that have an initialization period, your mod starts failing randomly, and the more of these type of mods are installed, the more chances your mod just never initializes.

What I would recommend is give player a 'startquest' command they can type in to force the mod to run.

As a fallout 3 modder, I'm not sure if the following suggestion is applicable to Oblivion, but if it is...I also recommend you boost the settings on the quest that determines its order of importance to the game, and maybe play around with the timer setting as well.

In my own mods for fallout 3, I've found that if I have a mod that is hit or miss on starting up, if I boost the priority of the mod and make it cycle faster, it tends to solve the issue.

Also, is there a way I can write text outside of the game and import it into my game journal?
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With regards to initialization problems, it seems strange that is may mess up when there are alot of other mods that do the same. I mean, if the script relied on a (few) messagebox(es) to start everything it would make sense. Cause then other mods that also use messageboxes at the start might interfere or get mixed up with the ones from the Journal Mod. But there are no messageboxes at the start, only if there is an error with the requirements.

Although your suggestions on priority is worth investigating, if only I am able to reproduce similar activation interference. It's not the lack of other mods on my part, that I know for sure. :P

I just remembered something that may help shed some light on the situation. Currently the script has a relative extensive logging feature for the whole initialization/startup stuff. When the mod first starts it should create a log file called Journal Update Log.txt at "My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Pluggy\User Files".

You can post that log after you experience the initialization problem (assuming it only happens the first time and not randomly each time the game is loaded). I suggest deleting the log in between cause I forgot to add code that removes the log if it already exists.

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Post » Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:12 am

Flight got cancelled and had to reschedule it. Fortunately they gave me a new seat for no charge (probably because I about screamed bloody murder at them), so I'm still here til tomorrow evening looks like :/ (Im headed to Arizona for a month).

I'll install the mod on my buds machine in AZ when I get there and do some poking around the toolset and scripts, time permitting, but meantime:

The post was made AFTER I made the comments on the Nexus.

I have a sneaking suspicion one of the mods that might have borked yours was the Armamentarium series..either complete, artifacts, or staffs...probably 'complete' and/or 'The Lost Spires' (with voiceovers), because once I deleted those, the mod worked.

The only thing about that though, is that I ALSO deleted some of the optional MMM and FCOM addons at the same time.

Can't remember offhand which all plugins I had, but basically it was the entire list except for the 'no xxxx' plugins (ie no wyverns, etc) and the spawn rate plugins, which I dont use because Im not suicidal :D

An experiment I tried was bumping priority to 50, which is actually not very high. Didn't help any. You might try a priority of 80 or higher though, and set the script delay setting (if Oblivion has one??) to as little as possible.

Another possibility could be to simplify your startup to just add a 'magic quill' to the player's inventory, and when the player activates that item the first time, it vanishes, to be replaced with a small 'box' (I recommend the texture for the small jewelry box) in their inventory that, when opened, contains a quill, some ink, and a blank journal. Tie the initialization to activating the quill as well, since its a single use item.

On a features there some way you could add a few things, since its pseudo HTML, anyway?

Maybe add a 'divider line', like you can use on forums that stretches across the entire page, to separate passages from each other, a 'chapter' feature, and an 'index' feature?

These, of course, are for the BOOK, not the menu based. ( I can't figure out your menu based system...nothing I add in there seems to go into the actual book itself?!)

The other thing I'd adore to see is the ability to import HTML, XML and .txt files and insert them into your various books from outside the game, as well as export in-game typed text to those 3 formats.

That would allow for some easier editing of huge passages.

I just adore this mod, when it works :) Looking forward to the next release!
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lacy lake
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Post » Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:31 pm

I'm emailing myself some of my mods so when I get to my buddys place in Arizona we can set up a decent version of Oblivion. Unfortunately all he was able to get hooked up was dialup, so I can't grab any major mods.

Why don't you just get yourself a Flash Drive and stick all the mods on there? You can get a 2 gig version for pretty cheap these days. I believe there's even a 4 gig version. Just stick it into his/your USB port and it will act like another hard drive, though very portable. That would be a hell of alot more convenient than downloading everything via dial up.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:31 pm

Dont know why I didnt think of that :) I think Ill grab 2 of em while Im out getting the last of my needs for the trip tonite.
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