Quick Questions -- Quick Answers, The Twelfth

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:34 am

I just made an .ini and now I want it to run when I load up the game. Do I use GetGameRestarted or GetGameLoaded to do this, or a mixture of both?
Upto you and your mod's context ultimately. Use either of those. I prefer getGameRestarted.

This is very perplexing. Even this isn't working. :(

EDIT: Could it be a result of the gold piles being persistent references or initially disabled?
Strangely, no one's talked about the syntax used. Enable/disable is called like this : .disable | .enable
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:47 am

Strangely, no one's talked about the syntax used. Enable/disable is called like this : .disable | .enable

:rofl: Cant believe it myself!! :rofl:

[Edit] Clarifying: the rofl is at myself because I can't believe I did not catch it while copying and pasting, since I use these functions pretty much every day.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:45 am

I'm guessing that my question was a little more complicated than I thought. I decided to just go ahead and leave my little fortress in the Tamriel worldspace, but if anybody ever does come up with a solution I'd still be interested in hearing it.

New question: Sometimes when I download a new mod, I'll go through it alongside an active mod of my own, and when I find something I like I'll create a copy of the new thing in my own mod (I've never released, with the exception of the one I made for my brother, and that one didn't go so well; I'm just grabbing stuff I like for my own mods). I've done this so many times with so many different mods that I've decided to just create a library mod, to save the trouble of constantly have to create a whole slew of new objects as I go from mod to mod.

For some reason, with one castle mod I've been working on for a while now, every time I run it in the CS but it's not the active file, even if I do absolutely nothing with it and just alter something in the active file, if I try to save then the CS crashes. I just got the latest patch but it still does it. Any ideas? I can run my castle mod as active and alter it all day long and save just fine. The only thing it freaks out on if I load it is because I accidentally nudged something in somebody else's mod (which was already altering a vanilla object) while browsing the mod, so whenever I load my castle mod without that other one running it tells me I've got a duplicate reference ID and that it's 'form-bashing' (whatever that means) when there's still only one of the things it's talking about. It also doesn't seem to like that there's a ton of pathgrid connections in the hedge-maze I'm building behind my castle.
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:00 am

Strangely, no one's talked about the syntax used. Enable/disable is called like this : .disable | .enable

Dur I should have thought of that. :banghead: I'll work that out tomorrow I guess.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:04 am

does anyone know how to auto generate the pathgrid for an entire cell? i read the wiki on path grids, but all i found was a beginner section ( and i am certainly a beginner still) that gave basic of basics about the pAThgrid and nothing about mass generating a pathgrid. is it even possible to generate an entire area of pathgrid? i really need to know if it is and how , cuz i am trying to do a huge landscape overhaul which needed pathgrids moved and/or removed and added back later. yes i could just go in manually and add every single last node myself and connect them all but it will take for eeeevvveerrrr DX
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anna ley
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:44 pm

does anyone know how to auto generate the pathgrid for an entire cell? i read the wiki on path grids, but all i found was a beginner section ( and i am certainly a beginner still) that gave basic of basics about the pAThgrid and nothing about mass generating a pathgrid. is it even possible to generate an entire area of pathgrid? i really need to know if it is and how , cuz i am trying to do a huge landscape overhaul which needed pathgrids moved and/or removed and added back later. yes i could just go in manually and add every single last node myself and connect them all but it will take for eeeevvveerrrr DX

You can use the regions generator to automatically cover an entire area in path grids. I think there is also an option to in the landscape editor to generate grids for an individual cell. For interiors though they always need to be done by hand.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:44 am

Which setting do you adjust to increase a creature's awareness?
I have few which you can almost walk right up before they notice you.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:06 am

thankyou iliana, i will look into that, very helpful info XD
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Suzy Santana
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:43 am

thankyou iliana, i will look into that, very helpful info XD

Sorry, I just checked. The regions generator method always works, I've used that one plenty of times.
But the other way is to highlight cells in the cell view screen (hold down the ctr key to select multiple ones) and then go to the menu World, Path Grid Generation, Generate Selected Cells. That will create or recreate the path grids for a cell. If there are already grids there it will ask you if you want to delete the existing ones first.
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Floor Punch
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:32 pm

Sorry, I just checked. The regions generator method always works, I've used that one plenty of times.
But the other way is to highlight cells in the cell view screen (hold down the ctr key to select multiple ones) and then go to the menu World, Path Grid Generation, Generate Selected Cells. That will create or recreate the path grids for a cell. If there are already grids there it will ask you if you want to delete the existing ones first.

ok kool , ty again...

im wondering now as well... ive got cells (exterior) scattered all over needing the pathgrids rteworked like this so would it be better or easier to just generate the world of tameriel? i saw that generate world was an option..im a bit worried about glitches, crashing the cs in the middle of the process, or ending up with mistakes i cant possibly know about and savin g it , thus ruinin the whole mod. just need to verify that the generate world (tamriel) option isnt too big for the cs and wont mess it up. thanks XD
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:22 am

ok kool , ty again...
im wondering now as well... ive got cells (exterior) scattered all over needing the pathgrids rteworked like this so would it be better or easier to just generate the world of tameriel? i saw that generate world was an option..im a bit worried about glitches, crashing the cs in the middle of the process, or ending up with mistakes i cant possibly know about and savin g it , thus ruinin the whole mod. just need to verify that the generate world (tamriel) option isnt too big for the cs and wont mess it up. thanks XD

That option is only really for custom world-spaces. Regenerating the path grids for the Tamriel worldspace would cause conflicts with lots of other mods, since you would be changing every cell in the world. I suspect it might even cause the game to crash.
When working in Cyrodiil its best just shifting the existing pathgrids by hand, unless it lies beyond the borders where there are no pathgrids, in which case drawing a new region and generating pathgrids just for that would be your best bet.
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meg knight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:44 am

thankyou iliana, im glad i asked first =o

i do plan on making new world spaces to add to the game via linked doors. since im new at this i am tryin to tazke the easiest asnd safest route to do this all with less risk of messin it up. but at the same time i have high hopes for what i can do in this mod. currently i am placing walls to section off tamriel so that one would go thru a linked castle gate on the wall wherever it meets the road or waterway (for ships) to enter a segway wilderness. even if it ends up not bein practacle or widely usable it gives me a learnin experience and much practice, but of course i would rather have a useable for everyone finished mod at the end of all the hard work and time. any suggestions?
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:27 am

Which setting do you adjust to increase a creature's awareness?
I have few which you can almost walk right up before they notice you.

When sneaking, the other character's sneak skill factors into the detection, so I would assume it applies all the time and try adjusting that.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:30 pm

Can anyone point out how to make an npc juggle?

I checked out the SI Juggler npc that's in bliss on it's just use item at but no specific item.
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:25 am

No one at all?
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Timara White
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:47 pm

check your own tread answer is there
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emma sweeney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:32 am

What is the purpose of using multiple gamemode blocks in a single script?
How does this effect the script's processing?
For example:

Scn doingsomethingscript
declare variables

Begin GameMode
; code1

Begin MenuMode 1009
; code2

Begin MenuMode

Begin GameMode
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:20 am

quick question....i want to add a cell to tamriel. of course tamriel is filled with npc's who have quests for you and so on. so lets say that npc with quest, who also needs to interact in the process of the quest by traveling to one or more seperate locations in tamriel, is at point A on the left side of the map. now lets say that quest location the npc bneeds to go to during the quest is at point B on the right side of the map. now lets say i want to add a door to a segway landmass (a wilderness of tamriel in my mod) in between point A and point B. i lay down pathgrids. link the cell door and so on. will the quest npc realize it needs to go thru the added door to get to the quest sight? and realize how to get back afterwards? and will any other npc needing to travel anywhere whop happens upon a similiar door also realize it needs to go thru the door to get to where its programmed to go?
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:01 pm

sorry to post twice in a row, tho it has been several hours actually since i last posted...but i just had another question if i may...its a legal question actually...

ive been thinkin of making some quests to go along with my mod to help explain why the changes are in the game so it isnt just thrown in there randomly...and one idea i had was concerning a lost archive of books and lore. question is...would it be goin too far or even illegal to type up some books of lore or even add some poetry based on that lore to the artchives...the lore would have been gotten from an official website so i can stay as accurate as possible... second question (apparently i cant count today =o) if i threw in random poetry i wrote myself just for an easter egg/bonus for players to enjoy which had to do with the basic timeframe the game seems to be set in (mideival type stuff) but wasnt having anything at all to do with the actual game itself thus not infringing on thier copyright but also not being blatantly different thus being out of character for the game...is it still considered my intellectual property in case i decided to add it to the book of poetry im currently writing in real life? or would that cause a legal issue and force me to withhold it from the book im writing in real life and/or game mod entirely?
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:45 pm

quick question....i want to add a cell to tamriel. of course tamriel is filled with npc's who have quests for you and so on. so lets say that npc with quest, who also needs to interact in the process of the quest by traveling to one or more seperate locations in tamriel, is at point A on the left side of the map. now lets say that quest location the npc bneeds to go to during the quest is at point B on the right side of the map. now lets say i want to add a door to a segway landmass (a wilderness of tamriel in my mod) in between point A and point B. i lay down pathgrids. link the cell door and so on. will the quest npc realize it needs to go thru the added door to get to the quest sight? and realize how to get back afterwards? and will any other npc needing to travel anywhere whop happens upon a similiar door also realize it needs to go thru the door to get to where its programmed to go?

I do know that NPCs always take the path of least resistance. Once I experimented with a 'warp hub' with teleport pads, where there was one pad in every Great Hall in every castle, and they all linked to a basemant in the castle I built out in the middle of freaking nowhere (at the end of the Silverfish River). First time I playtested the mod and went down to my basemant, I just stopped because there were friggin' crowds of people in my basemant going from one pad to the other. Apparently nobody was using the roads anymore except the guards and the bandits. So, I made the warp pads so that they needed a key to operate (which I was planning to do anyway, since it's only right that a player should have to slog their way halfway across the freaking map to the castle before they get to use the cool stuff.
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:14 am

What is the time limit or event that triggers the HasVampireFed flag on the player to reset to 0?

I would guess that the vampire feed package sets the flag to 1. But then after that, what triggers it to reset? Is it the change from the PCvampire variable to something > 1. Or maybe a certain amount of time passes?


EDIT: Hope someone can answer this before we hit 200.
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marie breen
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:44 pm

kool , ty pandora. thats a hilarious story tho. i lol'd big time. i will go ahead and link the doors for the segway wildernesses and see what happens ...if its anything majorly interesting i will post it somewhere on this forum for everyone who might needed to know XD
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:14 pm

What is the time limit or event that triggers the HasVampireFed flag on the player to reset to 0?

I would guess that the vampire feed package sets the flag to 1. But then after that, what triggers it to reset? Is it the change from the PCvampire variable to something > 1. Or maybe a certain amount of time passes?


EDIT: Hope someone can answer this before we hit 200.

My guess is good as yours on what sets it to 1, I agree it may be the "VampireFeed" package. As to what resets it to 0 is easy, the vampire script calls HasVampireFed until it returns 1 to reset the vampire stages back to stage0, HasVampireFed clears itself if called when is set to 1. So if u have it set to 1 and call hasvampirefed twice, the first time it will return 1 and the second it will return 0, and keep returning zero until vampirefeed sets it back to 1.
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:30 am

I see now. Thanks.
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His Bella
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:10 am

What is the purpose of using multiple gamemode blocks in a single script?
How does this effect the script's processing?
Script blocks are processed in the order they are declared in the script. Multiple blocks of the same type can at the most be used to segregate scripts into blocks.

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