I hadn't installed the patch because I was only getting a hang every few hours, and no other bugs. But then it hung six times in an hour so I decided I had better get the patch. What a mistake. They seem to have included a new "feature" where a faction you are an enemy of will spawn teams of guys to kill you. This happened immediately after installing the patch. I run about a hundred meters, these legion dudes run up to me, "Caesar has marked you for death and the legion obeys!" Badadada boom boom badadada! And I'm dead. I cannot defeat them even on Very Easy. So that's it. Every time. Every direction I go, one hundred meters and I'm dead. The game is now unplayable.
I will ask on the general board is there is some way in game to get around this, but in case there isn't is there some way to remove the patch. I don't know where the 360 stores games updates. They aren't in the same place it stores save games and DLC.