In theory you could even pre-render all of that, if you would have near unlimited disc space and extremely fast disc drives. So in practice re-insertion would be the only option left. And there would be too many insertions for the samples given and the system would come to a shrieking halt.

Solid state drives are becoming increasingly prevalent, and they retrieve information a lot faster than hard-disk. Additionally processors are one of the fastest advancing computer components. Probably because it doesn't matter how much RAM or storage you have if you don't have the CPU to process the data assigned to them. Also now a day a great amount of unnecessary data is stored and processed in all software because of the lack of optimized coding on the end of programmers, with all the memory resources available to programmers now there is usually little need for resourcefulness (I myself often use two or three variables to accomplish the same task that one or two would, just to save time, but my code is all small time). While the lack of optimization isn't a big problem as far as memory goes, it can be a great problem on processing as you are sending and retrieving data to multiple various locations and wasting a good amount of processing time. If this technology proves fruitful in what it can accomplish then the rest of the industry would make the leap, but this is purely speculation.
That's not trough for Bethesda though, instead of Model scaling they just add a lot of fog.
In Pre-Oblivion games, and quite frequently in Oblivion sure enough. However, if you get to a highly elevated spot in oblivion you can see quite into the distance. They make use of fog in Oblivion but not nearly as on an unrealistic level of Morrowind an such. Although I will have to say that the "Fog" of Morrowind was actually part of the Aesthetic charm for me, as it added to the element of mystery on the island of Vvardenfell.
Yep, not to mention it would take a couple blu-ray discs to store all the information. Just in case anyone was wondering. Also, unless you REALLY understand what you're talking about stick to suggestions about gameplay, developers actually tend to listen to those.
Are you familiar with the storage capacity of a blu-ray? I could see one disc being used well enough, but the idea of using multiple discs is a little unrealistic. Additionally, the amount of data needed for storage of this type of rendering should theoretically be lower than normal anyway (Thus is why one would save such processing power, as one need not process as much stored data.)
All in all the major underlying problem I see with such new rendering software at this point in the game, regardless of its potential, is that essentially you are taking the new setup, wiping away all current conventions, and saying "Why don't you start your industry over again?" to major graphics company's. Additionally it wouldn't get funded by any large graphics company such as Nvidia because of the nature of the product. If, even only in theory, a software system allowed all computers to essentially run perfect graphics without any need to jump ahead any more as far as hardware goes, then what would such a company sell to its consumer base? We wouldn't need to run new models of production lines and thus such company's would die down. I am reminded of a man my brother knew about twenty years back. A friend of his had just received a large loan from a local bank to develop a remodeled common car component (if memory serves I believe he said it was a better transmission). When he got his prototype working he was able to increase his car's mileage by 25-40 miles per gallon. He caught the attention of an executive at Shell who bought his patent out for $400K and never released the patent later. Clearly Shell bought his patent so it wouldn't be released because such high advances in mileage so quickly could collapse most large oil company's profit margins. Anyway, as promising as the software looks, between revamping an entire industry, slowing the sales of a related industry, and the possible limitations (which from my perspective have seemingly failed to fully explored), I would say that this software seems to have quite a bit working against it and it may never see use, regardless of potential.