Hmm now i can only find 9 tags and ghoul troopers, can someone give me the refID for a ghould trooper in camp searchlight, then i can try spawning one and killing it to get the tag and see if it works, i know the id for the tag, but spawning the tag itself won't work, he won't take it, he mentioned that part of the quest was killing the ghouls, i could have sworn i killed more than 10 tho, only problem was i got the quest after i had killed them all, and some sunk through the ground

wouldn't be a problem if the fallout 3 code to finish a quest still worked, i just hate having an unfinished quest in my log, plus i wanted the rifle that he gives as a reward.
edit: hmm i managed to finish it, i restarted, must have been a bug, and after all that trouble he gave me a useless service rifle