No he's good because he wants to destroy the Brotherhood. And because he got LL killed - LL is one of the most annoying characters in the game. he is completely incompetent, and is standing in the way of my character's advancement.
An even bigger regret is that my character couldn't kill Lucien personally in the questline. You should have that option I think. You should be approached by the others, notified of Lucien's death sentence, and be allowed to carry it out. Then side with the Traitor. That would have been great!!
I sort of agree with you. I don't really find Lucien to be any kind of sympathetic character, nor do I find him to be really nice in anyway. I mean he'd kill you if he was told to in an instant I'm sure.
And it's sort of hard to be sympathetic for him since the guy who wanted to kill him, wanted to do so for vengeance against Lucien.
Sure the traitor was completely nutso in some ways, but Lucien's a murderer, he got what he had coming to him.
Though I suppose if you're in the dark brotherhood to begin with your character tends to be evil and like evil people like Lucien, so whatever.