Ok got a problem and stuck. Im at the quest where im supposed to give the sleeper the blessing, only problem is the spell is a resto spell and my skill in that is 12. So of course with my 200+ magic, im not skilled enough to cast it. Thats fine, I enjoy the mechanics. So I was gonna cheat and raise my resto up to 50 or whatever then after the spell, revert back to my original number. Only problem is I use the console command of setrestoration 100 and it takes it but dosent actually raise my resto skill up. Im guessing because I am an ash priest is the reason why.
How can I get past this in getting the sleeper "blessed"? Did I do the console command right? Is their a command that makes all magic always cast? Or is there a command that just conpletes the quest and if I go that route, if I see the npc again, will it cause problems?
Thanks for any and all help.