I'm looking to upgrade my compy to be able to play Skyrim, GTA 5, etc. -- and Morrowind is also on the list.
As we all know, Morrowind is not the most well optimized game in the world (understatement). The game's given me some stuttering and lag even on my current computer -- an E8500 CPU / Radeon 4890 GPU rig.
(Although that speaks more to my pushing the limits of MGE's render distance than it does the core, unmodded game).
I have two questions --
1. How much do you think fully modded and MGE'd Morrowind will benefit from an i7 3770k versus an i5 3570k? Will hyperthreading make a perceptible difference?
2. To anyone who's played Morrowind from an SSD -- what are the area load times like? Faster than lightning?