Object refence "sharn gramuz gob" missing in master file (on start up). It also takes issue with Falena Hlaren and Gluronk Gra-shulen. Upon going outside I get about 5-6 errors such as:
(It dumps me to windows and says:)
object reference mc_log_scrap missing in master file.
Current file Morrowind Crafting 2-1.esp
Cell Ascadian Isles Region
Continue running executable?
I can say yes and it will eventually let me get back to the game and everything runs fine. Sharn seems to be okay and everything else seems to be working fine.
The thing that seems really screwy is that "mc_log_scrap" is only used by Morrowind Crafting why would that even be in the master file in the first place?
I was wondering: Is there some way I can either fix the underlying problem (and where would be a good place to start)? or can I just do something to tell the game not to give me these error messages and continue on as if everything is fine (as it seems to be)?