» Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:59 pm
Target: Sara.
Location: Vault 21 Hotel & Gift Shop
Reason for Contract: The tour showed a rear end that had to go, especially with that mesmerizing swaying. That's some serious competition for the Courier, and she ain't having any of that.
Method of Execution: Grenade in the pocket. No reason to let any of it remain.
"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the best rump of them all?"
"Why, you do, my Courier."
"Damn Skippy. So Veronica, how about it?"
[sultry voice] "Step into my office."
Yeah, you can laugh all you want to, but I'm betting you didn't hear a damn word she said while taking that tour.
Okay, in all seriousness now, it'll always be Caesar for me. While I respect his position in what he wants to do, there's no way I can agree to let him continue. The enslavement of women, which would include the Courier at some point, is nothing she'll ever tolerate. Seeing the poor girl carrying the pack was all she needs to get all stale crouton into his salad, and the dressing of infiltration is nothing short of how far she'll go to end his pathetic existence.