Elder Scrolls VI: Hist
The Argonians are always being seconhand races in the series, susceptible to racism and never taking important roles in the series's plot. They should totally have a game centered around them. Here's the details:
Setting- 4E 268, Argonia/Skyrim/Morrowind/Cyrodill
Plot- Although Alduin has been defeated, his presence has tore rips through time that is tearing Nirn apart. The Dragonborn and the last Dragons have disappeared from the lands, leaving the citizens of Tamriel to fend for theirselves. The blame for this incident has tore the Aldmeri Dominion apart, and a second Great War has begun.
In their haste to save Nirn, the Divines and the Daedra have formed a temporary alliance to save everything before they themselves are destroyed. Akatosh and Mehrunes Dragon have travel to Tamriel to find the Hist Warrior, a mortal man or warrior descended from the legendary Hist. The Hist is the most powerful race in all of Tamriel, the first things to ever populate the land. However, the first Hist was lost when the Dwemer took it many years ago, and now the Dreumer is gone. Only the First Hist has the power to save Nirn.
Now the Champion of the Immortales and the Daedra, the Hist Warrior travels into the farthest reaches of Tamriel to find the legendary first tHist of Lore... and discover their guardians, the still very much alive Dwemer!!
Well that was my prediction for the next Elder Scrolls. The game will be centered around Argonians and how everyone believes they are connected to the Hist. I hope you enjoy it, and post your own predictions here!!!