New chances.

Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:36 pm

So, when Crysis 2 was launched many problems were apparent. We made hell about a lot of problems, and a lot of stuff was fixed, too. Like crashes, some unbalances, votekick stuff, etc. But many things that we hate, only saw the light of day after 1.9. If you look at my 1.9.5 fix-list thread, most of that are things we noticed post-1.9.

Many of these things probably might have been fixed had we brought them up sooner.

Now, I'm NOT saying Crytek doesn't need to get their sh!t together too. I'm saying, we can't assume they're doing things better this time around, we can only hope.

What we CAN do is raise hell about every little problem, and find as many glitches and bugs as possible, as EARLY ON as possible. It does help.

I'm just sayian.
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Chrissie Pillinger
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