Proposed Crysis 3 controls

Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:48 am

I think these controls combine the deeper gameplay of C1 with the simplified suit functions of C2. So here goes:

In C1, armour was the default mode. In a way for C2 "Power" (a combination of speed and strength modes) is the default mode, as in you had the speed and strength functions on all the time, but when you weren't using them your suit recharged.

Basically Crysis 3 could keep the same control inputs from Crysis 2, but switch Armour and "Power" modes. The controls would work thusly:

Armour mode: Armour is again the default mode like C1 (PC version), when you aren't taking damage your suit recharges. There is no C2 webbing and your suit doesn't shine. There is no slowing of movement. Damage could work either C1 or C2. In this default armour mode you would sprint at a normal (normal human) speed without using energy, also allowing you to sprint (at normal speed) when your suit is out of energy, just like C1.

New Power mode: As far as the control input, this is activated exactly how you would activate armour in C2, with your suit turning a sixy C1 red (optional). It allows you to sprint faster, jump higher, melee harder, throw further just like C1 as if you had both speed and strength activated at once in C1. Just that you would hold jump for a high power jump like C2

Cloak: Activated just like C2, except that you cannot now combine it with power/speed/strength modes.

This would deliver gameplay pretty damn close to C1, while maintaining the simple (console friendly) controls of C2.

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loste juliana
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:55 pm

Great post, i agree with pretty much all of it.
Now that i finally get to play the entire first one now that its coming to consoles i was looking forward to something like the original suit modes or what you described.
But its looking like they will be the same as crysis2 + prone, which is a bit of a shame. Other than that its looking great.

PS. I'm pretty sure Ive run into you a few times on the ps3 multiplayer, you are a good shot, always make for fun games. Mhmm
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luke trodden
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:45 am

i would be fine with that

but i would rather have RB bring up the Radio menu just like C1 but hay
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Gemma Archer
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:46 pm

@ Uggazew
Thanks, i too was dissappointed about console C1 having C2 controls, but as its just SP shouldn't ruin our enjoyment of it. Yes, the C2 PS3 community is the definition of "a small world
yeah i would prefer C1 radial menu too, but seems Crytek think we console players can't handle it. I think my tweak idea would work pretty wel, especially for MP.

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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:45 pm

I posted this ages ago when this site was pretty much dead.

Thought I'd dig it up to see if anyone else thinks this idea could work, since it is much more relevant now than at the time I posted it.

Personally I like the radial menu from C1 best, but if Crytek are insistant on making a "simplified" control scheme to help with console version, I think this idea is a pretty good compromise.
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laila hassan
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:16 pm

I personally think that the controls as they are in crysis 2 houldnt be changed, when you aren't using any abilities, the suit isn't in any "mode", and only then does it recharge energy, which makes much More sense to me.. And I think the combining of suit modes like sprint and invis is fine, remember that this is nanosuit 2.0, it is pimped now!!
And yes I played crysis 1 since it came out, and think th controls for the PC are different, but not better. I do prefer a suit that doesn't always have to be in a mode..
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:42 am

You are in a "power mode" by default all the time in C2:

When not using a power function (speed sprnt, power jump, strength punch) your suit recharges, BUT it is ALWAYS on tap.

The fact that you can't sprint at normal human speed (without using suit energy) also shows that you are in power mode all the time, whether you want to use it or not. When you run out of energy and are forced to walk also shows you are in a power mode all the time, even with no energy left.

This is further demonstrated with the controls from C2 being used in the console version of Crysis 1. In the console version you're suit glows red (strength mode) by default the entire game, unless you activate armour.

I understand that N2 is functionally superior to N1 (at least with reduced battery drain of cloak it is), and that makes logical sense for it not to be nerfed, but I'm more interested in what makes a more satisfying game experience. Not what makes logical story sense.

The fact that you can sprint cloak through most of the campaign, and sprint from one end of lighthouse to another in MP makes cloak too OP on C2

Cloak should be an aspect of Crysis gameplay, but not the only aspect, which it pretty much is in C2 gameplay.

Also, on the point of N2 being "pimped" there are a number of areas where its significantly weaker than N1:
- being forced to walk when out of energy
- armour mode only taking a % of incoming damage
- armour mode slowing you down, lighting you up like a xmas tree, and putting stupid webbing over your visor
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:45 pm

In my opinion C1 (for consoles) and C2 controls were perfect, but everyone is different. Maybe they should let us choose the controls as an option.
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:54 am

This would destroy the gameplay. No more jumping while shooting, no cloak jump...nothing.
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:28 am

Jumping in power mode should be a power jump, just as it was in strength mode in C1. If you don't want to jump high, turn power mode off; the delay from 'holding' the button is unbearable.

EDIT: and no Sunny, you're not in power mode at all times in C2. a light on the HUD tells you when you are and are not in power mode, and it is only on when you are jumping or sprinting. The lack of a normal sprint function is simply a bad design choice in response to limited console controls, nothing more. Whether or not you glow in the console version of C1 is irrelevant, that is not C2.

Other than that, I agree that the suit should make a return to default armour mode. That was always the best decision.
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:09 am

Modes? Hm, perhaps this?:

  • Armored - High armor (Tank mode, yahh), reduced mobility (this stuff got stiff), standard (same as standard) strength. (Turret-Rambo mode)
  • Standard - Armored, normal speed (pretty fast, nothing amazing though.), extra strength. (Overall cool mode)
  • Power - Slightly armored (you're still in a suit), very fast speed, very high stamina, extreme strength. (ACTION mode)
  • Stealth - Unarmored (D:), normal speed, plain strength. I IS INVISIBUHHL
  • Recharge - Unarmored (D: !), normal speed, plain strength, NO REGENERATION LOL, very fast energy recharge.

Say, do consoles support input from all the L/R 1/2 buttons at once? If so, then perhaps it'd be possible to stuff the recharge in there. :P!

As for jumping, I'd say keep the standard jump as it is in Crysis 2.
HOWEVER, make the standard/power jumps be separate controls that can be bound to other keys.

I'd go on with "suit options" that can be combined (eg. speed+stealth), but I guess I should leave it up to you guys. :(
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:12 am

i would add, that they should add the possibility like in COD, if you have a lil barrier, like a lil stone, table... that you just have to press space or jump key to climb over he barrier.
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:15 am

@ farmdve: the gameplay would be almost identical to original, what on earth makes you think you couldnt jump and shoot from these controls

@ Micky: well i think a light on the hud is pretty irrelevant. when u get down to comparing how C1 & C2 controls actually function. OK so the controls are just different, but the C2 controls in console C1 and the default strength glow show that for C2 while not technically shown on the hud and while not technically in a " mode", for all intents and purposes it plays like you are in a power mode

I played on PC a little, but did find I was power jumping when i didnt want to. this is not problem on console, didnt realise it was a pain on pc. the only reason i suggested keeping the "hold" input is because without a separate speed mode you would be unable to perform a low trajectory speed jump
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:21 am

@ Micky: well i think a light on the hud is pretty irrelevant. when u get down to comparing how C1 & C2 controls actually function. OK so the controls are just different, but the C2 controls in console C1 and the default strength glow show that for C2 while not technically shown on the hud and while not technically in a " mode", for all intents and purposes it plays like you are in a power mode

The HUD light is entirely relevant, especially when you're trying to use a suit colour as evidence of your assertion. These little aesthetic indicators are exactly that, indicators of what mode you're in. I don't even agree that it plays like power mode is the default; the equivalent mode in Crysis (Speed) had you walking/reloading faster while you were in the mode. Power mode does nothing until you activate it.

Therefore, the N2 as shown in Crysis 2 has no default suit mode.
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:26 pm

Imagine playing C1 where both speed and strength (the equivelant of power is both speed and strength) are one mode: power. Imagine you have it selected. When you press sprint you sprint at faster speed, jump you do a power jump. Now imagine you can’t un-select it, except by selecting cloak or armour.

To me that sounds a lot like C2 controls, except for the jumping and melee input (holding). Even the faster “speed” reloads make it across somewhat with a faster animation in default mode compared to reloads in cloak and armour (C2)

All this nitty gritty debating is probably pointless anyway, from what I’ve read, in regards to the nanosuit for C3, it seems Crytek are taking the view that “more is better” again and that the nanosuit will be even more advanced than N2, rather than scaled back to C1 style.

My main idea with these controls was to limit the use of cloak in both SP and MP. For me, the limited cloak battery life created a lot more in game tension in C1, the enemy seemed to have an uncanny knack for closing in on your position just as your battery ran out, leaving you to make a choice: go guns blazing, keep hiding behind cover uncloaked, run away dodging bullets. Sprinting in cloak wiped your energy in no time flat, meaning you had to be more tactical.

In C2 I didn’t feel anywhere near the tension because cloak had so much battery life and you could easily sprint to the other side of the level invisible.
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:08 pm

Please remove the "instant suit mode buttons" (like E for stealth, Q for amour)and force players to use the little selection wheel like in the first game. The wheel takes a lot more skill to use
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:15 pm

Please remove the "instant suit mode buttons" (like E for stealth, Q for amour)and force players to use the little selection wheel like in the first game. The wheel takes a lot more skill to use

this would be the best of all, if crytek would do it. for consoles it would be as simple as holding R2/RB and flicking the right stick to select the mode. maybe there should be a poll for this to return.

i liken it to the difference between driving an automatic transmission (N2) vs a manual transmission (N1) car. the manual is a bit harder to begin with, but much more satisfying for real drivers
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:58 pm

Please remove the "instant suit mode buttons" (like E for stealth, Q for amour)and force players to use the little selection wheel like in the first game. The wheel takes a lot more skill to use

You do realise everyone just set up hotkeys to choose their suit mode in Crysis Wars anyways.... I enjoyed using the wheel, the wheel is in Crysis 2 as well it's just that the main option is Q or E.
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:40 am

I know but I'd like it if you were forced to use the wheel. Also, the wheel in Crysis 2 is very clunky and half the time it doesn't detect properly that you're switching modes
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