Nanosuit 3.0 Evolution ! (my suggestion)

Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:18 am

Lots of text incomming.

So, we have already heard power and speed mode might be separate, well, I dont think it has to be like that because I have good suggestion regarding Nanosuit 3 customization and powers. to not over simplistic this on PC or make consoles mess around with the circle (which IMO, worked realy well on PC):

In Crysis 2 and RE, you had normal state which had power and speed combined, Armor mode and cloak mode.

In C3 it should be something like this.

CLOAK = One mode, set to R2/RT1 (XBOX ?)
3 strenghts

- Lv1: allows player to creep around and be invisible to enemies but still casts shadows and can be spotted at close or inside of smallarm fire engagement proximity quite easily, consumes energy very little (SMG, pistol, shotgun are smallarms in this case)

- Lv2: Pretty much just enhancment of state 1, cant be seen easily, power draw is increased Etc. similar to C2

Lv3: To other players/enemies, ABSOLUTE ignorance of players precense but in tradeoff, tremendous power consumption, only good for quick "attack/disapear" tactics and not for cloak creeping that people constantly did in C2 MP (and SP)

Cloak is locked to R2/RT1 but mode strenghts can be canged on the fly

ARMOUR = aha ! first variable, some people obviously liked that ArmoUr was "normal mode" for nanosuit 1 so how about being able to change "Default" and "L2/LT1" slot's ? L2/LT1 slot could hold 2 powers which are fully adjustable but default has just 1 state (which can be further combined with cloak) ?
3 strenghts but default being only 1st level

- Lv1: basicly nanosuit ala C1, Nanosuit uses its own energy to deal with damage instead of health, regenerates when not taking damage, the basics. perfect for combat when you want to remain mobile, aggile and not consume too much energy.

- Lv2: Reflects part of the damage like in C2, allows you to take bullets like a sponge but you are less mobile and have constant energy drain

- Lv3: almost invulnerable for very short perioid of time but makes you also extremely immobile, aproriate for "oh ****" moments where you see rocket or high powered explosive heading towards you (or simply you are falling from great heights). small transistion delay so you cant start chasing player who just used speemode to escape some might be worried that this is the "imakickyobutt" mode in MP where simply player use this mode for legit god mode, well this isnt the case since it makes you so incredibly slow that you should only use it in defence game or when you are caught in totaly open area, speed mode could allow you to exit the scene easily and regular absorption mode would allow you to get out of the way (lets say, behind a corner)

SPEED = variable that you can set as your default mode or combine with armor/strenght mode, keep in mind power consumptions are combined and speed boost of speed mode is combined with speed penalties of armor mode.
3 strenghts, 1st being default

- Lv1: Durable and less power hungry like in C2, increases walk speed (little)

- Lv2: Lasts a good amount and has enough speed but with increased power consumption (ala C1:RE)(better walking speed)

- Lv3: C1 Pc version speed mode, very fast, very power consuming (very fast walking speed)

STRENGHT = last variable, can be combined with either speed or armor mode. when combined with Speed mode player gains additional skills.
3 strenghts, 1st being default

- Lv1: more powerfull mele (how much?), can throw objects further, ripping stationary objects is faster etc, more aggile (ledge grab, sliding and such will be better and faster)

- Lv2: Same as one except sligthly more performance and power consumption, Lv2 has (if combined with speed) new skill, bash (sprinting and mele button) to deal alot of damage in small amount time (with the cost of energy)

- Lv3: pretty much the same as above but if combined with armor mode you get more powerfull airstomp.

speed helps with mobility even more.

I would gladly hear your oppinion or what you would like to change, I will put this flamesuit on just to make sure :P
I have few more ideas but Ill wait for some oppinions.

Clarifications: Lv doesnt mean levels you gain with XP, it means power level of the said suit mode which you can adjust for different situations. The combinations that you are allowed to do can be formed from following 3 modes: Armour, Speed or Strenght. During the gameplay you can do cloak mode which doesnt deactivate your default mode, but if you do L2/LT1 it WILL deactivate default mode (and cloak deactivates your L2/LT1 mode), got it ?

TL;DR there is no TL;DR, take your time and read it or read it in partions.

I personaly think C3 MP and SP (if MP is gonna have little bit of that glory C1 MP had) dynamics could change into more interesting direction.

allowed re-voting
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:32 am

So about the levels thing do you mean there's essentially 12 suit modes?
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:32 am

I just read "evolution"... so I thought...
It's getting better!

Call me master of paint.
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Joey Bel
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:03 am

Yes, this is the kind of concept I agree on.
But thing is, speed shouldn't consume a lot of energy.
Unless we're quite literally talking about >Crysis 1 Speed mode running speed.

In which case, zooooooommmm
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:59 pm

Yes, this is the kind of concept I agree on.
But thing is, speed shouldn't consume a lot of energy.
Unless we're quite literally talking about >Crysis 1 Speed mode running speed.

In which case, zooooooommmm

Didn't speed mode in Crysis 360/PS3 have reduced drain speed?

To OP, I'd rather leave it to Crytek :/
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:18 am

Imo, you're drastically overplaying the suit. In Crysis, the advantage of armour being the 'default mode' was that it meant the bases of play were standard FPS skills; changing from armour gave you a slight advantage, but at the cost of protection. As such, someone could play purely in armour mode, with good FPS skills, and it could be perfectly viable; although they could just as easily play in a mixture of suit modes to overcome someone who was a better shooter etc.

This changed with Crysis 2, where the default mode has little viability as the standard mode of play. If you want to survive, it's pretty much required that you at least enter armour mode for combat. This takes the series away from standard FPS skills, and adds the (imo) unnecessary stage of pressing a button every time you want to get into a fight. It's an interesting gimmick, and some people do like it, but the point still stands that the suit became more important than before, and lowers the viability of standard FPS skills in relation to this.

In my opinion, the series would be better off making the nanosuit soldiers in MP closer to men and further away from being superheroes. In Crysis wars, you got the feeling that you were superhuman, but at the same time still fragile; you knew full well that you still needed to employ standard FPS tactics and be good at shooting in order to be 'good' at the game. In Crysis 2, this changed, evidenced by the relative success of people who were just plain bad at other shooters where you couldn't become invisible.

Of course, this is just my opinion, and the fact that suit modules have already been mentioned in pre-order bonuses suggests to me that my train of thought is not the one Crytek are on. I do think however than N1 suit modes+non-OP modules presents a very interesting style of play.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:27 am

So about the levels thing do you mean there's essentially 12 suit modes?

if you want to say it that way, yes. but for real use there still would be only 4 modes that you could swap between. you could change each modes "strenght" from a menu that you can quickly pop up (lets say, select)

i know there is still some flaws.

Yes, this is the kind of concept I agree on.
But thing is, speed shouldn't consume a lot of energy.
Unless we're quite literally talking about >Crysis 1 Speed mode running speed.

In which case, zooooooommmm

yeah, 1st lv would be C2 sprint (lousy speed mode but very durable), second C1 remastered (slower than on PC version but more durable) and last would be exactly like in C1 PC version.

To OP, I'd rather leave it to Crytek :/

Well yeah, Its very unlikely that anything from this thread ever passes into the game but thats the reason there is forumz ? people can discuss and fantasize about what could happen, what should happen and what went wrong. made this thread just for some discussion.

I took a different aproach with this idea.

If we are gonna have some larger maps with vechiles the dynamics must be pretty different from C2 but i dont believe MP is gonna be C1-like.

Imo, C1 armour was little too weak for my taste but the aim of the game was different.

There must be anti-something againts armour, In C2 it was gauss ammo (what very few used because not many guns had such a feature).

but i agree that combats shouldnt be all about armour brawl.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:36 am

I don't know about C1/Wars armor, but armor mode in C2 is definitely rubbish.

An extra shot or two from the scar before dying, are you kidding me?
ARMOR MODE my ***.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:37 am

Imo, you're drastically overplaying the suit. In Crysis, the advantage of armour being the 'default mode' was that it meant the bases of play were standard FPS skills; changing from armour gave you a slight advantage, but at the cost of protection. As such, someone could play purely in armour mode, with good FPS skills, and it could be perfectly viable; although they could just as easily play in a mixture of suit modes to overcome someone who was a better shooter etc.

This changed with Crysis 2, where the default mode has little viability as the standard mode of play. If you want to survive, it's pretty much required that you at least enter armour mode for combat. This takes the series away from standard FPS skills, and adds the (imo) unnecessary stage of pressing a button every time you want to get into a fight. It's an interesting gimmick, and some people do like it, but the point still stands that the suit became more important than before, and lowers the viability of standard FPS skills in relation to this.

In my opinion, the series would be better off making the nanosuit soldiers in MP closer to men and further away from being superheroes. In Crysis wars, you got the feeling that you were superhuman, but at the same time still fragile; you knew full well that you still needed to employ standard FPS tactics and be good at shooting in order to be 'good' at the game. In Crysis 2, this changed, evidenced by the relative success of people who were just plain bad at other shooters where you couldn't become invisible.

Of course, this is just my opinion, and the fact that suit modules have already been mentioned in pre-order bonuses suggests to me that my train of thought is not the one Crytek are on. I do think however than N1 suit modes+non-OP modules presents a very interesting style of play.

I disagree with your FPS skill thought. Aiming in shooting is part of any standard FPS, but the variables that are added to the recipe are what make the games different. The more variables the higher the skill ceiling. Anyone could go from CoD to C2 and if the nanosuit where how you stated it wouldn't be too much of a change. Knowing when to and when not to be in armor mode is important and allows more room for skill to develop in areas other than aiming and shooting.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:03 am

I disagree with your FPS skill thought. Aiming in shooting is part of any standard FPS, but the variables that are added to the recipe are what make the games different. The more variables the higher the skill ceiling. Anyone could go from CoD to C2 and if the nanosuit where how you stated it wouldn't be too much of a change. Knowing when to and when not to be in armor mode is important and allows more room for skill to develop in areas other than aiming and shooting.

There was more skill in the original games, having to select each mode and master its use gave you the advantage, not grinding for better module uprgrades.

To borrow the recipe anology, the nanosuit is very important for differentiating crysis from other shooters. But it should be a delicate garnish to the FPS meal, not overpowering the meal.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:28 am

I agree with you. They still need to focus on nanosuit mechanics while focusing on the gunplay as well. What I got from the guy's post was he wanted armor mode to be active at all times because having to switch in and out was a hassle. I thought it made the skill level higher by knowing when to switch in and out of it and not always being in it. You don't want to be able to slide and get away but end up being in armor mode and not be able to...that's why you have to learn. I'm fine with the way they have it right now, they don't need to over complicate things and make power and speed to separate modes...just give it the same control scheme as C2. Personally I would like to be able to punch people twenty feet and have fists as a weapon again.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 5:03 am

I just actually want to be able to run around like all hell, and not die from two shots from a fully automatic weapon.
I might be stuck in dreamland, but I still think the higher the health reserve of your opponents, the better you have to be to effectively ridden yourself of them.

Because then it's less about being able to quickly aim for the head, and more about actually shooting the bugga down.

So I don't know about you, but I think the nanosuit should be a definite gamechanger.
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