I can already see myself raping the noobs and going on a 20-30 killstreak my first match in crash site if crysis 3 has it, shooting tht bow at uncloackedd noobs sitting nxt to the crash site begging to die omfg tht bow will be fiing beast for assualting the crash site ppl wont even notice wth happened to their team mate lol kids are gnna rage hard when i get my fav perk setups and playstyle goin theyll rage like they do in crysis 2 where ppl on the enemy team always go negative does not matter what rank they are my god crysis 3 will be more fun in hunting the noobs down and ruining ppls stats lol
I hope crysis 3 will have crash site or a domination type gamemode cuz those are my favs, i hate tdm only because the stupid 3 yr olds camp and it makes things not fun at all.
I can tell tht all the good crysis 2 players will just destroy the kids who buy crysis 3 and didnt play crysis 2 jesus christ its gnna be a big raqe fest lol

ohmygod I totally know what you mean I mean I'm so damn excited about this that I forget to use any punctuation and I must be running out of breath by now and start using internet abbreviations like omfg and lol problem?