Crucial gameplay improvements (Devs should read)

Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:31 am

A few incredibly simple things to make Crysis 3 infinitely better than Crysis 2:


- Faster sprint
- Ability to reload while sprinting and sliding in the campaign (in C2 you could do it in MP but not in SP)
- Ability to sprint in all directions or, at the very least, sideways
- Slightly faster default speed in default suit mode (as in, not in Armor or Cloak) for better strafing
- Add prone: Just hold the crouch button!
- Ability to aim down sights while Power Jumping
- Faster weapon switching/cycling (as in Crysis, was clunky and sometimes didn't work in C2)
- Holding enemy takes no suit energy
- Can sprint at human (reduced) speed when Suit Energy is depleted (think C1 for consoles)
- Power Melee, Power Kick and Power Throw do not take 100% suit energy
- Do not have bullets hitting you halt your sprint in Multiplayer, at least not on PC.


- Do away with the extra zoom while in ADS. What gives? It screws with the aiming sensitivity!
- Make it absorb damage until energy depletion in MP (in C2 it only took a small percentage of the damage)


- Better balance: Posibly by buffing NanoVision or not allowing Power Actions, more energy consumption etc.
- Get rid of the shooting while cloaked if you have a silencer stuff.
- Always encourage merging with the surroundings rather than cloaking whenever possible (This is achieved by level design: Think Crysis 1)


- Increase base player health so as to make the game more skill-based (Unreal Tournament, Quake, Tribes, Crysis) instead of "I saw you first"-based (Call of Duty, Crysis 2)
- Increase hip-firing accuracy
- Make no damage differences between hip shots and aimed shots
- Make the weapon laser sights work like in Crysis 1 (ALWAYS points at the center of the screen regardless of how close or far an object is, allow the use of weapon sights instead of a crappy zoom like in C2 singleplayer)
- Make the laser sight a separate (non-sight type) attachment so that it can be used together with assault, reflex and sniper sights.
- Make the Assault Scope work like in Crysis 1 (In crysis 2, the Assault Scope would increase aiming sensitivity while aiming down the sights)
-Increase the amount of bullets that can be carried by the player: When fighting moderate health enemies (Ceph Grunts) you would have to go get ammo CONSTANTLY, since they take like 20 bullets to kill.
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Cody Banks
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:54 am

Good ideas but I disagree with making laser sight and other optics mutually exclusive. You should have to make that decision, whether you want to be the close range guy with the laser sight or a more medium-long range with gun optics instead of letting people have both
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:02 pm

A few incredibly simple things to make Crysis 3 infinitely better than Crysis 2:


- Add prone: Just hold the crouch button!
- Do not have bullets hitting you halt your sprint in Multiplayer, at least not on PC.


- Make it absorb damage until energy depletion in MP (in C2 it only took a small percentage of the damage)


- Better balance: Posibly by buffing NanoVision or not allowing Power Actions, more energy consumption etc.
- Get rid of the shooting while cloaked if you have a silencer stuff.


- Increase base player health so as to make the game more skill-based (Unreal Tournament, Quake, Tribes, Crysis) instead of "I saw you first"-based (Call of Duty, Crysis 2)

Everything I've responded too in your post I have a problem with, everything I didn't respond to I don't have a problem with. Honestly I feel this post was a bit too opinionated to necessarily be an ACTUAL improvement. Personally I think they should focus on the bugs and MP issues, which usually isn't a big issue to talk about but if C3 is anything like C2 in terms of bugs, it is a big issue. Hopefully they can be able to build a stable game and don't have to worry about bugs, and can just focus on gameplay...which is what this post is all about.

You want to add prone? I can see where it would be fun in some aspects, but if the verticality of the levels is anything close to how it was in C2 this would be an awful idea. Imagine every time you turn a corner someone is waiting, prone, and has the drop on you. This would be a very annoying issue, seeing as how a lot of spots are traveled through regularly...and no one wants to have to check the lower corners of each room they walk into. I understand how it could seem like there would have to be more skill involved, but this would lead to frustration over anything else.

Having bullets not halt you is an awful idea, especially if you have higher health, complete armor protection up until your suit depletes, and you want improved speed. In Crysis 2 alone it would be a pain in the ass to be shooting someone and they sprint through it and slide, or just sprint through it. Maybe if you had the increased speed action that you want, then when you are getting shot it is just the normal human sprint that you also want. I can see where that would be okay, but don't really see the need in changing it to that. I would see this as annoying rather than an improvement.

The next thing you want is armor energy and protection until depletion (like single-player in C2). This by itself would make armor mode WAY too OP. People would have double health (which you want to increase health anyways) and the amount of time and bullets it would take to kill someone would be ridiculous. The only way to kill someone would be to make clips longer, but still if health and armor is as good as you wish it would be way too easy to get away, and kills (and matches) would take too long. They could make damage output higher, but then there would be no point in adding in the extra protection. I think the health in C2 was perfect where it was. When getting shot at odds we 75/25 in there favor. For me I can often get away, but that may be due to the lack of too much competition on XBL. You have just enough time to powerjump and turn around to pop a headshot, or to slide cloak, or get behind cover. Most people (that I've played with) don't utilize the suits tools as much as they should. Crytek made it perfect, its just too many people don't know how to use it. I think the health, armor, and cloak were perfect in C2.

Didn't really see the point of the silencer depletion while in cloak. I never got upset over this at all, that's not to say nobody else has. Although if someone is shooting at you with a silenced weapon that doesn't drain energy (so we're talking about weak weapons here) while in cloak, you have the advantage. Its fine the way it is.

I feel like many people on these forums (I'm not saying you) want to gripe about how much C1 to C2 changed, but then gripe about how C3 looks too similar to C2. First of all, the game has a year to come out...second the things they desire contradict each other. People want it to change, but then don't. People don't realize Crytek was shooting for a different game with C2. The soon tired of the C1 formula (wish I could say the same for CoD since MW) and wanted a fresh new game, that was still Crysis at it's core. The sacrifice the long horizontal plane for more vertical planes, and I preferred the vertical one more. It made me feel more like bad-ass when I could look down on the enemy and know I could get the drop on them...but that's just a matter of personal preference. The game still takes place in NYC, and although the environment looks different, judging from what I've seen it isn't too different...which isn't a bad thing. They can use the C2 formula again and it will still feel fresh as long as they make adjustments, which, like you said in some of your suggestions, would make the game better. People expect C1, but I don't think that's what they'll get. C2's gameplay was more appealing for me and for other people I've talked to. Honestly I'll be happy with anything the make, but would rather it be towards the C2 side more than C1.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:43 am

Because of lag, you don't you're getting shot until you're dead.
And Armour mode isn't even OP
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:30 pm

What's contradictory about preferring C1 in almost every way to C2?

You know what I find contradictory? The number of people who state that they prefer C2 gameplay to C1, but in the same paragraph refer to how much they hate call of duty
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:04 am

I don't really get what your first sentence is saying. I didn't say armor mode is OP, I was saying if it is how this guy is saying it should be it would be OP. Its two health bars basically, and increased health. I think just a damage reduction is fine. If it was how he wants it the armor should drain quickly, which would even out to the same amount of bullets to kill someone.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:09 am

You want to add prone? I can see where it would be fun in some aspects, but if the verticality of the levels is anything close to how it was in C2 this would be an awful idea. Imagine every time you turn a corner someone is waiting, prone, and has the drop on you. This would be a very annoying issue, seeing as how a lot of spots are traveled through regularly...and no one wants to have to check the lower corners of each room they walk into. I understand how it could seem like there would have to be more skill involved, but this would lead to frustration over anything else.
If the gameplay is going to be even a bit as hectic as in C2, that guy deserves the kill.
Because you go stand still for 15 seconds and avoid getting shot/ninja'd.

It wouldn't be too bad with all the extra health you'd have, which you complain about later
Because then you'd actually have time to jump over him, as an example.

And voila, free kill! Unless you can somehow turn 180 degrees instantly while in a lying position.
Which I wouldn't support.

You can jump really high in this game, unlike pretty much every other "modern" fps nowadays.

Remember, son?

Having bullets not halt you is an awful idea, especially if you have higher health, complete armor protection up until your suit depletes, and you want improved speed. In Crysis 2 alone it would be a pain in the ass to be shooting someone and they sprint through it and slide, or just sprint through it. Maybe if you had the increased speed action that you want, then when you are getting shot it is just the normal human sprint that you also want. I can see where that would be okay, but don't really see the need in changing it to that. I would see this as annoying rather than an improvement.

So here you want to keep an GOD AWFULLY STUPID design decision, that only serves to break the flow and lacking speed of the game.
Why? Because boohoo, I can't hit stuff that's running fast and doesn't stop and die in a second!

If you wonder why I'm so hostile on this, then it's because take a look at this;
I play with a shotgun. That means I have to get all close and personal.
I'm against full-auto assault rifles that kill me in 2-4/5 (if very lucky) shots.

^ And they don't mind shooting from a nice distance.

Now, HOW THE HELL am I supposed to get anywhere near these guys, when the only thing I can do is run at them. And guess what happens when I run at them?
Bam, stray shot - running spree over! Dead.

If I didn't stop up, I'd probably have a chance to actually parkour my way close to them, and maybe even survive to get a shot in.
But no, I have to drop the soap every time I get hit.

More health and speed would make life more dangerous to those not prepared.
Exactly because it'd allow the HERECOMESTHENIGHTTRAIN playing style.

Those proficient with the game would probably dodge the hell out of my sorry butt, and that's exactly what skill is. Being able to counter problematic situations.
Be it hitting or dodging.

The next thing you want is armor energy and protection until depletion (like single-player in C2). This by itself would make armor mode WAY too OP. People would have double health (which you want to increase health anyways) and the amount of time and bullets it would take to kill someone would be ridiculous. The only way to kill someone would be to make clips longer, but still if health and armor is as good as you wish it would be way too easy to get away, and kills (and matches) would take too long.
No, it wouldn't. Because you'd still have armor mode too, remember?

And if it's too hard to consistently fire at someone, then sorry chum - skills are lacking.

I don't think you really understand how it would work. If you know you have a good reserve of health, and you got hit. Would you run at the spot?
Or would you try and kick some butt - knowing you may still have enough health to survive?

I think it's the latter, son.

And no, armor mode should be exactly what it advertises:

Not some "ooohhhhh I can take a bullet or two more!" glow-glow mode.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:12 am

I was saying if it is how this guy is saying it should be it would be OP. Its two health bars basically, and increased health.
No, because that "second health bar", aka your energy, which is used for other things not just armour, will be drained quickly anyway
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:44 am

M4dn3ss and Bloax have already said everything I needed to say.

M4dn3ss, about the laser sight choice thing: Bear in mind the laser sight gives your position away like all hell.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:05 pm

Those aren't bad suggestions, great baseline for Crtek to work off of :D
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:36 am

You seem to be confusing skill and annoyance. Crytek could make it to where every single bullet in your clip has to hit them or you don't kill them...that would be making the game more skillful, but not in a good way. Making a game more skillful isn't always a good thing.

So I can tell by looking at your reply that you're a run-and-gunner. Do you not realize every play style has its pros and cons. Pros- you can easily outgun someone at close range, one or two shot kill, and more hunterish. Cons- You can't outgun someone at close range, if you're not careful enough you can get gunned down from mid-to-far distance. If you were more careful, these things wouldn't happen as often. I'm not questioning your skill, just saying that if its too big of a problem then its most likely your fault and not the game's.

This guy is wanting increased health, and increased armor protection. This would make killing people more a pain in the ass than anything. If it's on a horizontal plane then I could see this being a good idea, but judging by the trailer (which I scolded people for doing earlier) the environments are more vertical and like C2. That would mean any time you were shooting, they could sprint (which you want buffed) with increased health and armor and easily get to cover. I can consistently fire at someone, and once again people are putting words into my mouth. I just can't consistently fire at someone where's their's cover everywhere. You guys are wanting your character to be way too OP. Maybe there's something I'm not seeing here, but I can't see some of the ideas working out. And Rukumouru, I'm agreeing with the majority of the stuff you're saying. A lot of those are good ideas, just some of them aren't and that's why I responded to them.
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Peter lopez
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:13 pm

GutterTrashJosh: This Guy (me) wants Crysis 3 to feel and play like Crysis.

Crysis 2 is a disgrace that bears zero resemblance to the TWO previous titles. I have repeated this ad eternum in this forum but I shall again:

One does not simply make the next Mario play nothing like Mario. If a Mario plays NOTHING like Mario, you demand a return to form.

We are not run-and-gunners. We are CRYSIS players. We demand Crysis 3 play like CRYSIS does.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:45 am

Crytek could make it to where every single bullet in your clip has to hit them or you don't kill them...that would be making the game more skillful, but not in a good way.
Actually... that would be nice. In Half Life 2 Deathmatch if your aim wasn't spot-on you would often have to reload while trying to kill a guy. It definitely reduced the amount of spraying
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:45 am

Zero resemblance? Oh're right. Someone who just finished C1 and went on to C2 would probably think they're completely different games because apparently they bare ZERO resemblance. The game changed a bit, but like I said its still Crysis at its core. I also have another question...have you ever played more than TWO Mario games? The difference between the SNES Mario and N64 Mario was bared very little resemblance to previous installments of the series. Then N64 Mario to Mario Sunshine was INSANELY different. Then Sunshine to Galaxy was UNBELIEVABLY different. You don't know what you're talking about. C1 to C2 was a bit of a change, but near enough to get as butt-hurt as you along with other people are getting. Also, why don't you try to defend the original points you made instead of starting off-topic discussions?

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Fiori Pra
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:02 pm

adding prone would be terrible. Just imagine noobs prone in a dark corner cloaked....or even Drop shotters.

DO NOT add prone! It will ruin the game!
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Angela Woods
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:45 am

adding prone would be terrible. Just imagine noobs prone in a dark corner cloaked....or even Drop shotters.

DO NOT add prone! It will ruin the game!

adding to this point, I wouldn't mind prone in campaign like Crysis 1 on the Xbox 360, just not in multiplayer.
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Mistress trades Melissa
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:32 am

Prone plz. Don't ruin 95% of your game because you want to have twitchfest multiplayer.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:55 am

if you want a fast paced multiplayer, then hellno to prone!! I hate people using prone, seriously, i've not seen any prone user who doesnt camp extensively. Even the guys who call themselves 'legeminate proners', i don't believe it.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:48 am

Im agreeing with mostly everything up there, good ideas and makes much sense as Crysis had a lot more options in terms of MP :)
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Bedford White
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:01 am

To anyone who says prone automatically equals campers-only gameplay:

Complete fallacy as proven by a counterexample: CRYSIS WARS.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:13 am

Zero resemblance? Are you retarded? Oh're right. Someone who just finished C1 and went on to C2 would probably think they're completely different games because apparently they bare ZERO resemblance. The game changed a bit, but like I said its still Crysis at its core. I also have another question...have you ever played more than TWO Mario games? The difference between the SNES Mario and N64 Mario was bared very little resemblance to previous installments of the series. Then N64 Mario to Mario Sunshine was INSANELY different. Then Sunshine to Galaxy was UNBELIEVABLY different. You don't know what you're talking about. C1 to C2 was a bit of a change, but near enough to get as butt-hurt as you along with other people are getting. Also, why don't you try to defend the original points you made instead of starting off-topic discussions you ass-wipe?

I don't think Rukumouru was referring to Crysis 2 being on a different platforms, even on the same platform it did not play like the first 2 Crysis installments. C1 to C2 was a big change, there was a slight resemblance though he wore a downgraded nanosuit.

To OP good suggestions, I hope they take these up.
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james tait
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:21 am

I don't think Rukumouru was referring to Crysis 2 being on a different platforms...

Not the platforms per-se: SNES Mario to N64 Mario was a generational leap which saw the introduction of a COMPLETE PARADIGM SHIFT (2D to 3D).

There was nothing like that from Crysis to Crysis 2. Crysis 2 was supposed to be a "direct sequel" and it was complete trash as such.

Think Super Mario Bros vs Super Mario Bros 2 (the real japanese one, not the american one) or Super Mario Galaxy vs Super Mario Galaxy 2.

It's one thing to expand, it's a whole different beast when you have a Super Mario Bros vs Super Mario Bros 2 (American version) situation. Was SMB2 (the one in which you pick up vegetables and generally do nothing like Mario) a good sequel to SMB?

GutterTrashJosh: I don't need to defend my "original points" because my improvements are not improvements under objective criteria. My improvements are such under the subjective (but undeniably logical) notion that a sequel should EXPAND, as opposed to cripple, on the original product.
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:35 pm

Share your views without the abuse, thanks.
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