Hi. Just wondering if anyone knows any facts or read any good rumors out there. In crysis 1, warhead, comics, and 2 we know what happenes to Prophet and Nomad. But we never hear anythign about Psycho. I read on a website posted on the Crysis 2 Facebook Offical Fan page posting a website showing 5 reasons why crysis 3 will be better than crysis 2. And one of the reasons are Psycho is back. What do you guys think of Psycho returning? For those who only played crysis 1 and 2 Psycho was another major character in the series. Crysis Warhead (In my opinion) was a more epic than crysis 1 but crysis 1 was more intense. Crysis Warhead was very fun for me because he spend much more time in the alien sphere killing instead of running though in crysis 1.
Here is the Link to that website: http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/crysis-3/1223607p1.html