I personaly think that if Crytek waited for the next gen consoles they could make Crysis 3 a better game without being limited by the power of This-gen console's. i would like to see another giant open levels with amazing graphics like in crysis and i think the console's wont be able to run something like that.
Crysis 1 on consoles is pretty good, and it's just a cheap port from PC. Crysis 3 is for both consoles and PC. The levels should be much bigger with open areas, just like in the first game. I doubt that Crytek would start lying about that after C2 was generally such a big disappointment for the fans of the first game.
this dude, seriously, hahahaha. LOL, a console gamer who is talking about a pc game.....always good for a lauch

. Crysis 1 was a cheap port from the pc. You act like your little console can actually handle crysis1 on all settings.
I'm just going to ignore your existance and pretend I never saw this.