Marketing is expensive, but lets get back to my main point here, releasing the trailer on 360 market and PSN store for free download. I don't think that would break Crytek's bank. Crysis 2 was unknown to so many people, it was sad when I would ask people online if they had seen the trailer for Crysis 2 prior to it's release. People thought I was talking about Time Crisis the arcade game

So.. where does this tie in to advertising a year ahead of release? You could get the same result within a few months of release for less money.
Companies like Microsoft and Sony need to stop charging this outrageous fees just for Dev's to keep their product in tip top shape.
Or, developers could make sure they released finished games instead. You're ignoring the more obvious solution.
So far, as of May 6th 2012, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 has had 12 patches, and is the highest selling game ever. It's unlikely that unless EA really gets behind Crytek this time we will only get a small handful of patches again.
CoD sells better. The more profit you make (which, let's face it has to be massive seeing as they've been running the same game for 5 years) the less it effectively costs you to keep the product 'in shape' and keep your loyal customers happy until you release the same game again next year.
EA needs to get off of the BF3 bandwagon, and stop serving the Military Industrial Complex, and get behind an IP that has some actual originality and creativity like Crysis. Finally I'm gonna end my rant with this, Crysis 2 on console was a million times better than Battlefield 3 for console. Yes Crysis 2 had it's bugs on Multiplayer, and the graphics were not even close to what they were on the PC, but the game play for the most part was the same. I think PC you can have up to 8 players on a team? Console is 6 in Crysis 2. But in Battlefield 3 PC it was 64 players online, for console they had to cut it down to 24, 12 on each team. So Now it's just people running for minutes on end looking for someone to kill. I'd just like to see more support for an IP like Crysis. - End of rant
Didn't BF3 sell something like 10million copies? Money talks. Even BF3's massive marketing budget wouldn't have made Crysis 2 sell that many copies.
And as far as you go on about Crysis 2 being better than BF3 on console, I know many who disagree; as well as, y'know, the general playerbase. BF3 can't simply be laid down to how few players it had, it had MUCH more to it than Crysis 2; the latter's multiplayer seeming like a frankly lazy attempt at copying the model of an already successful series.
Crysis 3's sales will come down to how good the game is, and more importantly, how
different it is from the more established games already successful in the market. If you're a CoD fan, and can only afford one of the two games, in the absence of anything particularly outstanding from Crytek, you're obviously going to stick with CoD; a game which, for all its faults, has continued support and a multiplayer which will never run low on people.