Crysis 3 Nanosuit Hacking

Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:04 am

The title of this post can be misleading. I'm not referring to hacking that ruins the game. I'm referring to the ability for the player to hack into enemy equipment in the Crysis 3 Story.

(eg. Hacking into a Cell Turret and using it against Cell, or using a Ceph Weapon).

This was just a thought, if you could "hack" into any unused enemy equipment, you could technically hack into a Pinger (a Pinger is technically a "Access Denial Drone")

It would be kinda cool using a Pinger against the Ceph =)

Just a thought...
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:04 pm

I thought pingers were controlled like giant mechas by the ceph?
Anyways, I'm hoping they redesign the alien models or give them new textures at least so the game seems fresh.
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