» Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:29 am
Well, if you want to take into consideration all the values of a supersoldier, you have to take into consideration defense as well. True, if you are a supersoldier, you can probably kill another person in one or two hits, if you're hitting a normal person. In the case of Crysis 2 MP, everyone is supersoldiers, so as we have stronger hits, we also have stronger defense. I remember playing Crysis 2 MP a couple of weeks ago...
I like to roll with a Mk60 and Defense for the majority of the time. I was turning a corner, defense on, and a guy (not ganna take names) comes up to me and melees me. In a couple of hits (less than a second) I'm dead.
I dunno though, I think this topic should be discussed a little more, we can't get the whole picture with only a few guys.
well to quote something crytek said a while back,"that's why it takes more than one hit to kill." I agree with you about the whole whoever hits first usually wins though.