"Glitches or bugs"

Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:14 pm

Ok so some of the few things I found wrong with Crysis 2 will be the following for online game play's;

(1). After I do a Stealth Kill sometimes my weapons, melee abilities and and firing will not work. I'm basically a sitting duck running around with only my powers available and not being able to do any other damage to enemies.

(2). The problem of disconnecting. I've played about 200 games on my Crysis 2 account so about 2/10 games I disconnect due to the fact that there's no host capability, this isn't while I'm in the game itself. This happens in the lobby before the actual game starts and kicks us all out.

(3). If a certain amount of people leave the lobby right before a game starts and the teams are still even, say 4 vs. 4, the count-down will get to 1 second and then will not start the game and will stay like that. I have stayed in a lobby like that for a few minutes and no one can or didn't join the game so I had to end up leaving the lobby and joining another.

This was my review on the bugs and or glitches, whatever you want to call them. Sorry if this is on the wrong section in the forums. I couldn't really find one about bugs and glitches. Thank you for reading this.
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Adam Kriner
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