- pride in getting something done
- grief in finally letting go of something that may have consumed many hours
- hope that others will like it
- fear no one will like it
- hope that someone other than your friends will comment on the release thread
- despair when only a few comment
- pride if it is really well received
Of course some don't feel that way at all and just go "Next!" and move onto the next project

This thread is for modders who have released work in 2012 and those who have played those mods - modders can re-showcase their work - tell their horror/success stories that happened while they made the mod/s - while players get another opportunity to say what they liked or found challenging about the mods
To start us off here is my mod release thread for 2012
June - http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/42148 - a clothing mod ( I had a lot of fun making these and the small story that goes with Tar Bella ) was a quick and easy mod
August - http://www.fliggerty.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=5242 - a quest/companion mod that had soaked up 9 months of my life - this was submitted for GHF's mod tourney which sadly fizzled this year - testing was a nightmare as I had so many dialogue choices it was hard to get them all working - some of the scripts were quite tricky and did things I hadn't seen done before
August - http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=9586 - just a clothing mod which gave Joslin in Ebonheart Fleur's outfit from the previous mod and the ability to sell it
August - http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/42208 - another clothing mod - this was something I had wanted to do for a while - create unique outfits for the Imperial Cult - it included a quest that develops as members progress through the Cult and a rather difficult romance opportunity for those who wanted to pursue one - lots of lore on Dibella was researched for this

September - http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/42257 - a retexture of all the books in Morrowind focusing on new textures for the open books - I did 2 versions of this - one had daedric writing - I don't think anyone has noticed but all the writing visible in the open book textures is unique text from the book it belongs to including the daedric writing which I had to find the daedric font for. This made mod of the month for Sept which was very gratifying as a lot of work went into this puppy
2012 was a busy year for many - so if you have released something this year why not remind us of what you did