What I have
A World of Pain
Roleplayers Alternative Start
Item Weight Redefined (everything has weight, even caps)
Bartertown (you get about no money without skillpoints in Barter)
High Rollers Only (10000 caps needed to get on the Strip)
Simple Scarcity
Drugs are bad mkay (Visual effects if taken drugs)
Too many quest markers
No dialog tags
What I DON'T want
Graphic enhancing stuff/textures/sky effects and stuff - I have a crappy PC and run on lowest graphic settings. For the same reason, nothing that could overburden my PC, like Open Freeside (I'd love to have this mod, but I don't think my machine could handle it)
Mods that only add stuff like weapons and nothing else
Player houses
Sooooo... I think this maybe gives on overview about my game - I mainly like stuff that makes it harder/more realistic without making the combat harder. Anybody wants to add something to my list?