But tonight, they just... won't... stop... coming.
Between 188 and my way to Gun Runners there were 7 [bleeping] attacks and damned if two of them weren't in a row! I'm okay with random attacks, but this is absolutely insane. I had to reload, because both Veronica and ED-E died after the fourth attack and I wanted to see if the game was glitched. It seems once I got near NCR troops, the attacks stopped, but the second I step onto the road back to 188, they're back again.
I reloaded the game, putting me back at 188, and I repeated the trek, and sure enough, they spawned right back on the road. I turned tail and bolted the other way, and as soon as ran by the onramp back to Novac, there was another squad! I could literally see two squads approaching from the N and E. At this point, I just decided to quit for the night.
Googling offered no advice on how to correct this (loved the snarky remarks about free stuff), but this is making my game svck.
I'm on the 360, so I can't mod, and because of my choice of play, I only have the one save file starting from 188. I can easily get by one or two squads, but after that, Veronica usually goes down.
PS: I've never used the walkie-talkie given to me by the NCR Rangers: would this help?
One more question: I gave Veronica several stimpaks (bought on the second attempt at this), but she doesn't seem to take them when her health is down. How do I make her take them, or do I have to babysit her and inject them into her myself?
Never seen this before and I'm stumped.