Day after day, I see the forums filled with bickering between the "elite" players, calling each other "noobs", "idiots", "cucumbers". No, seriously, cucumbers, it's insane.
You guys are the cream of the community when it comes to stats, so you should at least give a good example to the people who look up to you. You want the noobs to have self-absorbed apes as their role-models?
Rich, you don't have to take it personally when Phattoni comments on melee.
Zito, you don't have to take a shot at melee EVERY chance you get.
Enes, don't say things like "play for fun"(with other words I removed for the sake of decency) until you actually start playing for fun.
And for the love of god, Bugster, stop talking about how you teach everybody how to play! You've already made a thread dedicated to showing off your wins, don't let your stats get to your head, man!
I mean, honestly, once you give someone a Feline and SEIII, and tell them to melee, they can figure the rest out by themselves, you don't need to teach them, they just need practice with guidance at first.
Give the noobs some good, friendly people to look up to, and stop fighting with each other.
Olly, Mecha, and Cxool are three good examples when it comes to conduct.