"Try me" trophy glitched .. HELP!!

Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:54 pm

I am currently ranked in level 20 (my psn id is ryoga13) and I have a friend who is also in level 24 (pelon24)and we still haven′t unlocked the "try me" trophy.

I looked over the internet and I noticed we are not the only ones with this glitch.

Crytek please look into this issue, we are keeping the game for more than 6 months for the "dedication" trophy so we deserve this kind of dedication from you guys as well.

Nuff said... tks.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:52 pm

I am currently ranked in level 20 (my psn id is ryoga13) and I have a friend who is also in level 24 (pelon24)and we still haven′t unlocked the "try me" trophy.

I looked over the internet and I noticed we are not the only ones with this glitch.

Crytek please look into this issue, we are keeping the game for more than 6 months for the "dedication" trophy so we deserve this kind of dedication from you guys as well.

Nuff said... tks.

The same thing happened to me. I have unlocked all other trophies and "Try Me" is preventing me from obtaining the platinum.

I am level 50 so I have obviously completed more than 3 Playstation Network matches. I sunk tons of hours into to this game and am screwed.

- My PSN ID is TheGerman5112
- I have tried deleting my SaveData and GameData but it still won't unlock after 3 matches
- The only solution I can think of is for you Crytek to reset my online stats so I can again reach 3 completed matches and unlock the trophy

Just treat me like one of the cheaters and reset all my stats; you have done it before and could do it again to help out a loyal customer and fan.

Your help would be greatly appreciated
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:58 am

You can try the glitch that resets your stats yourself. It resets wins, kills, skill assessments, etc. Basically everything but xp. I'm not sure if that would help you but if you want to try it just let me know.
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:15 pm

You can try the glitch that resets your stats yourself. It resets wins, kills, skill assessments, etc. Basically everything but xp. I'm not sure if that would help you but if you want to try it just let me know.

Thank you for your response.

At this point, what do I have to loose? Sure, how do I do it? Does it work on PS3?

I am currently staring at the Nanosuit Reboot option and I am not sure if I should do it.
I watched several YouTube videos and sometimes all the stats get wiped in addition to the rank. I would need that to happen.

See the link below for one of the videos where the "Games Played" stat is reset to 0. Maybe this has already been patched and I am out of luck. Go figure, a benefitial bug that has been patched.


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Jessica Colville
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:26 pm

You can try the glitch that resets your stats yourself. It resets wins, kills, skill assessments, etc. Basically everything but xp. I'm not sure if that would help you but if you want to try it just let me know.

Thank you for your response.

At this point, what do I have to loose? Sure, how do I do it? Does it work on PS3?

I am currently staring at the Nanosuit Reboot option and I am not sure if I should do it.
I watched several YouTube videos and sometimes all the stats get wiped in addition to the rank. I would need that to happen.

See the link below for one of the videos where the "Games Played" stat is reset to 0. Maybe this has already been patched and I am out of luck. Go figure, a benefitial bug that has been patched.



I rebooted my suit and it caused a (in this case) beneficial bug that completely reset my online stats. A suit reboot is only supposed to reset your rank and unlocks.

In any case, my "Games Played" statistic went back to 0, and after playing three games online, Ding, the trophy popped, followed shortly by the Platinum trophy.

So this method is a fix. There is a way to force the complete stat reset bug. If you are in this unfortunate position, contact me and I will tell you how to force the bug.

Not cool Crytek, not cool. I am holding off buying Crysis 3 until I have confirmation that it is not a bug fest. If it is buggy, I will not buy it.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:31 pm

Glad you were able to knock it out. Congrats!
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:51 pm

I have the same problem.I already reebot the nano suite and nothing happend.Can someone help me please?I only need this last trophy and than i get the platinum.

Thanks to all your help
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