NOTE: This entire post is meant for FibreOptic.You are a condescending, fake troll that thinks you're superior and witty because you played this game so much that your name is at the top of a few lists.
I respect people not wanting the glitch
Let's take a look at how you conversed with GODvf, a player that wants to get rid of the glitch.
Looks like your a bit upset that you don't know how to do the glitches lol
The fact that he admits the glitch is bad and wants it gone has nothing to do with his "skill level" at glitching. You're just trying to offend him.
But also In the footage we have seen of Crysis 3 its back to a one hit melee anyway??? So yano...thats...worse right?
Your sarcastic tone was meant to make it sound "obvious". How did I not think of that, right? You tried to get him angry. It's even worse because your information is wrong. Ignorance is not an asset in an argument.
Haha so really you kinda contradicting your self a little buddy
You do not know his age, and none of his posts show any signs of immaturity. This was purely to offend and anger him. How about keeping it friendly since you're the oh so mature one here?
it's the exact same thing on the Xbox and the PC you ignorant fool haha
The situation on PS3, to your displeasure, is unfortunately
NOT the same as that on the 360 and PC. Please, refrain from calling others ignorant fools while at the same time stating incorrect information.
I did find it implausible that it was back to a one hit melee. But I didn't know as I haven't seen any other new footage with melee intensive gameplay
It's nice that you know big words like implausible and intensive, but that doesn't make you seem any smarter or more mature. Mostly because..
my selfwhen your sayingyou kinda contradictinggona
You make mistakes that a 5-year-old who never went to school would make. Please go attend your english classes again, because in the United Kingdom, I'm pretty sure English is an important language.
You also took every chance you could to make yourself sound "pro". Nobody cares if you were the first person to cheat at this game(no need to repeat it either), and nobody cares if you played the game so long you're all the ranks from 1 to 1,000 on the lists.
I was the only one doing it on 'Xbox' as far I knewI discovered it a while back and was the only one using it at the timeI found out the melee double tap my self a while back and far as I am aware I was the only one doing it at the timesaying I don't understand what I'm talking about is absurd matejust look at my stats I'm one of the top players on Xbox dear oh dear!i would gladly play Ps3 against the 'pro' players if the controller wasn't so tiny...
When it comes down to it, we are all players of Crysis 2, and we are all equal. Do yourself a favor and start acting like it.
i personally think glitches are stupid, because they are problems with the game obviously
Then stop being a part of the problem, obviously. People don't know you as "FireOptic, that guy that only uses the glitch to beat others that use it", you are "That terrible troll glitcher that can't spell or correctly use grammar".
Don't worry. I'm sure you're 25 and have an 8-pack, and you'd wipe the floor with me at anything.
Dear I FibreOptic I,
Get out of our forums, troll.'Xbox troll player' there is nothing 'trolling' about anything I have said, and I am insulted!
'Xbox troll player' there is nothing 'trolling' about anything I have said, and I am insulted!
'Xbox troll player' there is nothing 'trolling' about anything I have said, and I am insulted!
'Xbox troll player' there is nothing 'trolling' about anything I have said, and I am insulted!

you dedicated a full length anolysis essay for me to mark, how touching (yes that was an insult). Okay let's start from the top and do the same as you shall we?

'Condescending fake troll'...and what exactly do you mean by that? Also I do respect people not wanting the glitch the fact I said he was upset because he didn't know how to use them was a joke/insult to show how i thought about the 'Policy' he was wanting to implement, and the fact I thought he made this entire post simply becasue he was angry at people using it and he couldn't! (turns out he does as well) A good word for that being a rage quitter, or maybe a noob! My information concerning the one hit melee was not 'wrong' it is a one hit melee in hunter mode, which is what i based my facts i was correct in that way, but not in the other games, and considering the amount of gameplay footage available you can't blame my 'ignorance' for not knowing it was only like that for hunter (which i think is still silly).
You do know what contradicting means right? Because It does NOT have anything to do with maturity or age...and yes it was an 'argument' so saying 'it was purely to offend him' is blatantly obvious and I give you 100 points for understanding and another for anolysis

... But yea next point! Oh yea I said 'it's the exact same thing on the Xbox and the PC you ignorant fool haha' << that is correct mate, the support for the game is exactly the same on all platforms why wouldn;t it be? The problems are the same on all platforms, and funnily enough the glitches are exactly the same as well....So saying it is not is..well....foolish, and the fact you didn't say why it isn't the same makes that 'quote' pointless and ineffective which is the point of you doing this right? And yes I know big words? I am 18 went to school, and went to college and passed all my courses...soooooo? It was not in any way to make me seem more smart it was just a logical choice of words? Oh and wow you picked out words that make 100% sense, but have a few less letters!:O and you are saying that is a '5year old mistake' well I could go as far as to say that a 5 year old would not be able to spell nearly all of them words correctly, nor have the intelligence to even structure them into a grammatical and logical order, Oh and wouldn't understand or know what contradiction meant but that would be too obvious don't you think? Oh yea and It wasn't a mistake btw...I chose to write them like that to save time, call them slight abbreviations if you must, not mistakes! Oh I bet you prove read your essay a thousand times just so you could say to me that I can't spell nor use grammar correctly, well done to you sir! Not that it proves anything considering I could do just the same If i was so bothered to make it an English report! Its a social website for a game not an English class so jump off your high horse because again saying I can't spell is incorrect and my grammar was fine becasue it all made sense and If i were to make it 100% accurate just to please you I would, and i could probably do it a damn site better than you. But I bet quite a few people care that i am a pro player, becasue all of you wish you were really good at the game who wouldn't? But anyway being apart of the problem, I broke my game so I can't play it anymore not that i would anyway If I hadn't rebooted once ide have racked up 300+ hours or so anyway so I already played the **** out of it and got boring due to lack of good players.
Everyone in this post has used it! So don't brand me as a cheater for using a 'cheat' when all of you have used it probably and especially god who made this post in the first place! Also especially as I don't rely on this glitch to make me successful because I never got good becasue of the cheat, so I don't need to be a cheater. Oh and yea what is a troll? I don't actually know the proper definition of it, but i would say it was someone taking the absolute piss and not making sense nor gives a **** what he/she is righting about...Which lets say is hilarious, considering i have made valid points towards this post well in my opinion anyway!
But lets just put everything I have said aside for a second, and lets just focus on this! I thought the melee glitch was fun and it was an easy way to eliminate anyone in front of you, on the other hand removing it would be another glitch gone which is good in my eyes even if it means losing the best thing in the game. But as it is an unofficial way to play the game it would still bring a solution to the problem clearly! But because it is still there I have every incentive to use it unless I am respecting the rules of a clan match to focus on raw skill and teamwork! However no one was using the glitch when I was actually playing the game and I only ever used the melee glitch once in a clan match ages ago (when there were actually clan battles going on) and no one cared, and im sure no one would not not want to use it! So anyway yea this policy is pointless now as no one cares enough anymore when Crysis 3 is around the corner and not many people play this game anymore.