Abysmal enemy AI...or laughable...

Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:38 pm

I was thinking that this game must have the stupidest enemy AI of any game ever but then I remembered that in the Uncharted 3 game I recently finished playing that that had some really stupid enemy AI...mainly for the reason that the goons were forgetting the 2nd step in the 2 step process of using grenades:

Step 1 - Pull the pin on the grenade
Step 2 - Throw the grenade at the enemy

That's laughably stupid.

But sheesh...Crysis 2 has even MORE stupidity!

Some examples...

1) A Cylon will have you in full view and go right past you to the other end of the room...

a) That Cylon will then try and walk through rock.
b) That Cylon will continue to try and walk through rock...on the assumption, presumably, that they are more likely to succeed on subsequent attempts.

2) CELL personnel will see a CELL corpse you have recently killed and...walk right by him and not go into alert!

The load screen did mention throwing objects to distract guards...something I hadn't thought of doing but that showed depth to the gameplay. So, I tried it out...

3) CELL personnel will ignore a big gas cylinder (or whatever it was) thrown near them.

I'm not sure if this is intentionally funny or not, but...

4) When you get the blackout, one of the Cylons 'skates' around in a very small circle. I took that as a joke. But...

5) It's just glitchy when the Cylon spins around on one spot, like a top. Is the 'skating' just a less obvious glitch?

Honestly, these were so groanworthy I just had to point them out. Here's my hypothesis on how this came to be:

The boss would regularly check in on the debuggers and game testers or whatever they are called and seeing that they were doing their job. About halfway through the development or something the boss stopped doing that and the employees started playing screwed up bits of paper basketball in the office or something.

Even if the enemy was stupid in the traditional way, as in merely being fodder for your character's killing, it would have been heaps better than just laughably abysmal enemy AI you see in this game.
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:19 pm

Keep calm and wait for Crysis 3, I hope they will fix the AI
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Christine Pane
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:12 pm

Keep calm and wait for Crysis 3, I hope they will fix the AI

Crysis 2 was a big disappointment for me. Not sure how keen I am to keep going. I thought that the original game was pretty decent with replay value. Not that keen to replay Crysis 2 for trophies or bonuses...but didn't get my copy of XCOM - Enemy unknown in the mail, so may have to replay Crysis 2 to just pass the time until I get XCOM, which I am looking forward to (I downloaded RISK: Factions from PSN and enjoyed the turn based strategy gameplay...XCOM looks like being a more cinematic version of that kind of gameplay.

Anyway, have seen posters for Crysis 3 with the hero with a bow and arrow....my favourite weapon in Bioshock was the crossbow...maybe that could make Crysis 3 a better game?

Since Crysis 2 got some great reviews, not sure how much great reviews for Crysis 3 will influence me...since I thought Crysis 2 was pretty poor.
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:13 am

what is your problem dude ?
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:15 pm

Keep calm and wait for Crysis 3, I hope they will fix the AI

Crysis 2 was a big disappointment for me. Not sure how keen I am to keep going. I thought that the original game was pretty decent with replay value. Not that keen to replay Crysis 2 for trophies or bonuses...but didn't get my copy of XCOM - Enemy unknown in the mail, so may have to replay Crysis 2 to just pass the time until I get XCOM, which I am looking forward to (I downloaded RISK: Factions from PSN and enjoyed the turn based strategy gameplay...XCOM looks like being a more cinematic version of that kind of gameplay.

Look at all the f***s we give.
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Bee Baby
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:55 pm

Look at all the f***s we give.

a) Do you assume that I value your opinion more than you value mine?

b) You obviously do seem to give a f_, as you are replying. Are you this forum's Thought Police or something? You make it your job to negatively reply to anyone 'daring' to criticise a game you are all fanboy about?

If this forum is just a circle jerk for the game, then I think it's likely that the series will get worse.

I've got a different opinion to you about the worth of Crysis v Crysis 2.

Get over yourself.
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Ann Church
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:39 am

You started taling about XCOM in a thread about horrible enemy AI...Go figure.
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Jessica Nash
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Post » Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:00 pm

You started taling about XCOM in a thread about horrible enemy AI...Go figure.

It didn't register with you that I mentioned XCOM in the context of not really being motivated to replay Crysis 2 but 'having' to because XCOM hadn't of arrived in the mail? It was a comment on the replayability of Crysis 2..."low", in other words. I am replaying Crysis 2 now...trying to to knock off some trophies and trying - a little - to pick up souvenirs or whatever...but I really can't be arsed downloading a map with locations of all that kind of stuff...that stuff is a REAL GRIND.

Anyway, XCOM was in the mail today...the concept of this 'fight an alien invasion' game is exciting to me...I suspect I'll be playing it sooner rather than later.

P.S. It really isn't your job to reply to every negative comment about Crysis 2...is there a platinum trophy in doing so for you? I was talking to someone else in this thread anyway...you don't HAVE to butt in, you know.
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