i just started the Old World Blues DLC and having a really hard time finishing the X-13 : Attack of the Infiltrator Quest.
It is just impossible for me to get beyond the first locked door without beeing detected. My Basic Stealth is at ~ 50, but even with an active stealth boy ist doesn't change a bit.
As soon as i pass the first turret (both robobrains with their back to me) i am getting the message that i have been detected and need to restart. After trying for 1,5 hours i searched some youtube video walkthroughs - all they did is just walk pass the turret with both robobrains pointing away from then and they were done ... am i doing anything wrong before ? Do I need to have all other Quests in Old MT finished before doing this ???
At some point i have even been detected when standing in front of the Computer that starts the quest ???

FYI - i have the Willow Mod active ... but even if i park willow and J.T. outside of the building i am having the same problem so i'm assuming they don't really interfer for that part.
thans for any hints in advance