Hello I was just wondering if I have got a bad Gpu!

I wanted to do gaming but not games like battlefield 3... I just wanted to play games like Crysis ( not realising C3 will probs be too gud for my Gpu multiplayer :p) Skyrim and things like Starcraft and minecraft... But with Crysis 3 coming out I don't think my Gpu is good at all! I played Crysis 2 on multiplayer today and it was very smooth on medium settings and 1080p but then I turned everything to ultra and realised it looked muuuuuch better! I then did some custom settings but still had to keep everything on medium for smooth... The reviews on gtx 660 non ti are great but now I have it myself and everyone else on the forums has like 660+

I feel like I need a replacement very fast!........Do I?.......