RSP in Italy

Post » Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:30 pm

Dear Electronic Arts,

I'm Raffaello Laterza of (the largest Italian company Game Server Provider)
I contact you about a problem of games produced by EA in Italy.
We Italians are lacking of RSP (Ranked Server Provider) Italian!
We seek to taking action.

This is our protest on YouTube:

And post on the FaceBook page of a note Company of GSP in Italy:

We have already contacted the Italian unit of EA without receiving aid. Also, sent an email to the U.S. department that handles requests for RSP received a reply "copy and paste" that exposed the lack of interest in covering the Italian zone of this type of service.

We Italians claim that Italian companies are allowed!

I look forward to feedback.

Best Regards
Raffaello Laterza
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