Hey guys. Just finished the semester so I'm back for some RPing. Got back into Skyrim today and I'm ready to write. I just need to know what's around to join and such. Any suggestions?
You could possibly join the http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1427429-the-invasion-of-hammerfell-oocsign-up-2/ or http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1427234-may-you-find-warm-sands-where-you-walk-rp-interest-check/
The former is already underway while the latter is yet to start, I'm pretty sure both are still accepting.
Hey guys. Just finished the semester so I'm back for some RPing. Got back into Skyrim today and I'm ready to write. I just need to know what's around to join and such. Any suggestions?
If you want to join May You Find Warm Sands Where You Walk RP, just PM me or disturbing. We're both GMs for it.