[RELz] Morrowind Rebirth 2.02

Post » Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:41 pm

IMPORTANT! You need to have Morrowind Rebirth 2.0 for this patch to work. If you already have Morrowind Rebirth 2.0, remove the old esp (Morrowind Rebirth 2.0. esp) and replace it with the new one included in this package (Morrowind Rebirth 2.02).

This patch also includes changes done in v 2.01

Mod Info: http://www.moddb.com/mods/morrowind-rebirth

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiN3i2rpFW4

Download: http://www.moddb.com/mods/morrowind-rebirth/downloads


Rebirth Fixes and additions
* Sorkvild the Raven will now actually wear the Masque of Clavicus Vile in battle. He's also stronger and will cast poison/summon spells only. Made much more sense since he's a necromancer.
* Dremoras and Golden Saints will now carry weapons, just like in vanilla. I somehow removed these in a previous version.
* There was a building in Caldera with a sign that said "Drenum's House" on the side of it, which is incorrect.
* Royal Guards in Mournhold will now carry one out of 3 shields, instead of one (see pic).
* A script placeholder were too close to the ground in Ald-Rhun.
* New traders have set up "shops" in Ebonheart, exclusive wares!
* Ajiranji in Caldera carried 2 Thieves Guild Cuirasses.
* The Wooden Crossbow had an underscore in its name.
* Fixed a few seams and floaters in Balmora.
* Added a new weapon, the Silver Battle Axe.
* "Thieves Guild Hood" was misspelled.
* Lots of landscape improvemets.

Vanilla Fixes
* The "Chiding Cuirass" held no charge, so it was impossible to use the enchantment.

Creature changes
* Dremoras/Dremora Lords will now be more powerful, having more health and causing more damage. This also applies to the Dremora Lords added by Rebirth.
* Deadra Seducers had 2 spells that would paralyze the player, which seemed a bit overkill. Also raised their health a bit.
* Centurion Spiders will no longer cast "Poisonbloom. I've replaced this by a weaker spell, "Poison".
* Ash Scorpions will now cast "Potent Poison". Scorpions should be poisonous, right?
+ a lot of other small edits that are not really worth listing.


Rebirth Fixes/additions
* Added ownership to plants/harvest (near farms) across the Ascardian Isles.
* Added the missing "Camp Fire" icon.
* Fixed 2 floating lanterns in Seyda Neen (Renell's Shack, Elomie's Shop).
* Fixed a typo in the note put on the door to Gorvas Vules's Tower, from "of limits" to "off limits".
* Fixed a pathgrid error in "Eartly Delights", Suran. Also fixed some floaters in this cell.
* Fixed 2 doors in Suran that would teleport you to the "Ashlands".
* Fixed a floating "Dwemer Tower" just outside the entrence of "Arkngthand".
* Fixed a few issues in the leveled-lists.
* Removed the "Dwemer Lantern", introduced by this mod.
* Removed some paintings that could be found at "Bernadette's Imports".
* Removed the fence near the "Bandit", close to Seyda Neen. Causes him to get stuck.
* Gave Kunthar, Pelagiad, a Fur Cuirass. Seemed strange that he'd run around half-naked.
* Lowered the amount of gold for Geel-Lah, Suran, from 500 to 250.
* Moved a tree that were clipping with Wadarg's Shack, Seyda Neen.
* Put new Imperial armors/weapons into leveled-lists.
* Changed the name of "Daedric Realm" to "Deadlands".
* Various landscape additions, improvements and fixes.
* "Dread Curse" will no longer "Damage Attribute", but "Drain Attribute". "Dread Curse" will still be
stronger than "Grave Curse" (which also drains attributes), draining 10 points for 60 seconds. While
"Grave Curse" drain 5 points for 60 seconds. This will also remove the annoying "permanent"strength/
endurance drain caused by "Greater Bonewalkers". While this may be a matter of personal preference I
belive the 60 second cooldown is a bit more fair.
* Much higher cost for bound weapon/armor-spells.

Vanilla Fixes
* Fixed an enchantment error with the "Crosier of St. Llothis". In vanilla game this weapon's enchantment would hurt the player instead of the enemy.
(May be intentional but I thought it's kinda sad spoiling a weapon that have a unique model, since there ain't too many of these.)
* Indaren Ancestral Tomb is occupied by Daedra, but should be occupied by undead according to a note found on the dead body of Tyronius, (sc_Tyronius).
* Fixed a few chests that had 0 locks, thus making them impossible to open.
* Changed the name of "Long bow" to "Longbow".

Creature changes
* Removed "Resist Magica 50 %" and "Resist Paralysis" from "Plague Bear" and "Plague Wolf".
* Removed "Weakness to Fire 50 %" from "Snow Bear" and "Snow Wolf". Replaced it with "Resist Frost 75 %.
* Some significant changes to Atronachs.
- Storm Atronach's will use "Skeleton" blood textures instead of "Red" blood textures.
- Fire and Frost Atronach's will now use Fire/Frost Shields, just as the Storm Atronach's uses "Shock Shield".
- Removed "Reflect 20" from all Atronachs'.
* Removed ingredients from summoned "Greater Bonewalker", "Grizzly Bear", "Wolf" and "Dremora".
* "Riekling Raiders" & "Tusked Bristlebacks" are no longer immune to Paralysis.
* "Riekling Raiders" now have the combined immunities and damage from the "Tusked Bristlebacks" and "Rieklings".
* Made some changes to regular creatures, diseased and blighted ones.
- Diseased: Same stats as regular creatures, but are still annoying due to thier disease.
- Blighted: Double damage as regular creatures, plus double health bonus.
* "Bonewolf" and "Bonewolf Summon" had diffrent stats.
* Skeleton Archers will carry 30 arrows instead of 60.
* Kwama Warriors now use thier ability: "Kwama Poison".
* Alit's now use their ability "Alit Bite".

Setting changes
* 50 % higher chance to catch a disease by diseased creatures.
* 25 % harder to pick locks instead of 20 % as in previous versions of Rebirth.
* You can now get up to 100 AC when having the skill "unarmored" maxed, instead of just 65 in vanilla.
* Raised the bounty for attacking people from 200, to 250.
* Increased the speed of thrown weapons and projectiles by 50 %.
* 20% less chance to be knocked down during fights.
* Increased the amount of damage you take while suffocating from 3 to 5 damage each second.
* Arrows and throwing weapons will travel faster, thus making them harder to dodge.

* New Textures for the Adamantium Shields, texture work by "papill6n".

Racial Diversity
* Changed the "Damage Attribute, Agility" in the Orc's Power "Bloodlust" to "Drain Attribute, Speed".

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded and supported the mod throughout the year, you're awesome! Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year :smile:
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Neliel Kudoh
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