Im making a quest relating to a vault mod ive got and im getting stuck at one objective, what I basically have is the player finds this guy being attacked by three dogs and I want to get the game to recognise when the dogs are dead so the quest can continue, now it is stage 10 of my quest and in the quest objectives tab for stage 10 I have the 3 dogs references in the taget ref box and in the quest stages box under stage 10 I have the result script as:
SetObjectiveCompleted v74quest01start 5 1SetObjectiveDisplayed v74quest01start 10 1If v74dog01ref.GetDead == 1 v74dog02ref.GetDead == 1 v74dog03ref.GetDead == 1SetObjectiveCompleted v74quest01start 10 1Endif
Have I got anything wrong? yes the dogs ref's are identical to those above.