One dear to me bought me a playstation 3 for my recent birthday.

I'm still getting used to the controls.
Since I enjoyed Fallout New Vegas on the pc , when I saw it for 8.99 (used) at my local Gamestop for the ps3 I bought it.
I'm having a horrible time with the aiming. I bought the Currier's pack so I'm using the machete that came with that.
I'm correct in assuming no mods for me now? It's hard finding stimpacks to buy and impossible to find antivenom. Not one merchant has had it for sale. Not even the doc that patches you up. Considering how fast that rad scorpion killed me, I think I need a few all the time.
As an aside: thanks for the Canteen , Bethesda.

I'm running away from the creature and ghoul enemies because they are killing me very fast. I'm pretty much OK against human enemies except for the awful aiming.. It's pretty hard to miss with that big blade and just swinging it around -lol-
I guess it's the stick and I'm left handed and the stick is jerky .. Horrible when something is charging you like a rad scorpion that will kill you in two hits.
--Also the side quest in that first city did not start for me. The man in the garage did not have the dialog, and the woman who teaches you how to make healing powder never came back, but her dog did.. He has about half health and does not appear to be regenerating.
My character is like level 3.
Thanks for any tips on how to better aim and kill creature enemies like scorpions and ghouls.
Thank you for reading me.